PON management

Editors: Nazim Agoulmine, Cyril Autant, Richard Lewis

Authors: Johanne Schmidt, Fausto de Carvalho, Patrick Legand, Nazim Agoulmine, Abílio Carvalho,
Kevin McCarthy, Teresa Almeida, Olivier Chambon, Cyril Autant, Faouzi Ababsa, Jorge Sanchez

Optical technology is expected to be important in future networks. However, until now little research into the management of Optical Networks (ONs) has been performed. The work described in this chapter aims to address this area by studying the applicability of TMN concepts and models to the management of ONs.

After a presentation of the principles of Optical Networks, this chapter describes the network located in Aveiro and operated by CET in association with RACE Project COBRA, and proposes management solutions for this network.

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