Handling the Distribution of Information in the TMN

Costas Stathopoulos, David Griffin, Stelios Sartzetakis
Institute of Computer Science,
Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas


This paper proposes a solution for mapping managed resources (network elements, networks) to the managed objects representing them. It supports an off-line, dynamic negotiation of Shared Management Knowledge in the TMN. Given a method for globally naming managed resources, managers identify the resource they want to manage as well as the management information they require. The manager’s requirements are then mapped to the agents which contain the managed objects. From the global name of the agent, and knowledge about the management information that the agent supports, the manager can construct the global distinguished name of managed objects.

The approach uses the OSI Directory where information about managed resources as well as agents and managers is stored. An architecture is described which provides a means of identifying in a global context which agent contains the required management information. Additionally, the architecture provides the abstraction of a global CMIS and the function of location transparency to communicating management processes to hide their exact physical location in the TMN.


TMN, systems management, manager/agent model, shared management knowledge, global naming, directory objects, managed objects, location transparency.


Full paper in "Integrated Network Management IV," proceedings of the 4th international symposium on Integrated Network Management, Sethi, Raynaud and Faure-Vincent, editors, Chapman & Hall, London, UK, 1995.


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