CRONBACH'S ALPHA RELIABILITY ESTIMATOR Program: Cronbach - Analysis Output Title: Cronbach Example Data Two (scores as person per row) Data read from file: CronbachDataTwo.txt Program execution initiated at 15:53:58 on 13-Nov-2010 Program executed at 15:54:01 on 13-Nov-2010 RELIABILITY ESTIMATORS Cronbach's coefficient alpha Raw data 0.632531 Standardized data 0.720197 Average of the inter-item correlation coefficients, excluding item totals Raw data 0.268849 Standardized data 0.268849 Average of the inter-item correlation coefficients, including item totals Raw data 0.342947 Standardized data 0.354382 'NO RESPONSE' DELETIONS AND REPLACEMENTS No persons were deleted No items were deleted Number of 'no responses' replaced 8 Item name and person index of replacements: item1, 8; item2, 12; item3, 19; item4, 9; item5, 15; item6, 10; item6, 19; item7, 10; Replacement option: score replaced by item mean Number of items used 7 Number of persons used 23 CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS Correlation coefficients between items - raw data item1 item2 item3 item4 item5 item6 item7 total item1 1.0 0.488511 0.034654 0.265369 0.233631 0.407826 0.727304 0.920673 item2 0.488511 1.0 0.353753 0.335013 0.126665 0.340935 0.469801 0.635041 item3 0.034654 0.353753 1.0 0.051373 -0.023473 -0.036648 0.128127 0.202392 item4 0.265369 0.335013 0.051373 1.0 0.341638 0.287994 0.240071 0.439884 item5 0.233631 0.126665 -0.023473 0.341638 1.0 0.101077 0.227553 0.309622 item6 0.407826 0.340935 -0.036648 0.287994 0.101077 1.0 0.544652 0.572795 item7 0.727304 0.469801 0.128127 0.240071 0.227553 0.544652 1.0 0.876274 total 0.920673 0.635041 0.202392 0.439884 0.309622 0.572795 0.876274 1.0 Average inter-item correlation coefficient (excluding total) 0.268849 Standard deviation of the inter-item correlation coefficient (excluding total) 0.196153 Average inter-item correlation coefficient (including total) 0.342947 Standard deviation of the inter-item correlation coefficient (including total) 0.248807 Correlation coefficients between items - standardized data item1 item2 item3 item4 item5 item6 item7 total item1 1.0 0.488511 0.034654 0.265369 0.233631 0.407826 0.727304 0.738225 item2 0.488511 1.0 0.353753 0.335013 0.126665 0.340935 0.469801 0.72826 item3 0.034654 0.353753 1.0 0.051373 -0.023473 -0.036648 0.128127 0.352544 item4 0.265369 0.335013 0.051373 1.0 0.341638 0.287994 0.240071 0.589556 item5 0.233631 0.126665 -0.023473 0.341638 1.0 0.101077 0.227553 0.46929 item6 0.407826 0.340935 -0.036648 0.287994 0.101077 1.0 0.544652 0.618638 item7 0.727304 0.469801 0.128127 0.240071 0.227553 0.544652 1.0 0.780362 total 0.738225 0.72826 0.352544 0.589556 0.46929 0.618638 0.780362 1.0 Average inter-item correlation coefficient (excluding total) 0.268849 Standard deviation of the inter-item correlation coefficient (excluding total) 0.196153 Average inter-item correlation coefficient (including total) 0.354382 Standard deviation of the inter-item correlation coefficient (including total) 0.238054 ITEMS: MEANS, STANDARD DEVIATIONS, SKENESS AND KURTOSIS Raw data item mean standard moment median quartile kurtosis dichotomous deviation skewness skewness skewness excess percentage item1 38.045455 5.094358 -0.150193 -0.562119 -1.0 -1.323939 21.7 item2 2.454546 0.83814 1.301583 1.626978 NaN 1.904775 82.6 item3 -0.090909 0.995859 0.182574 2.738613 -1.0 -1.966667 95.7 item4 3.636364 1.26295 0.707135 1.511613 NaN -0.724583 60.9 item5 1.818182 0.385695 -1.649916 -1.414214 NaN 0.722222 95.7 item6 0.238095 0.948911 -0.501828 -2.408775 -1.0 -1.70055 91.3 item7 1.95 2.956772 0.163217 -0.253655 0.677419 -0.88838 8.7 ITEMS: MINIMA, MAXIMA, MEDIANS, RANGES AND TOTALS Raw data item minimum maximum median range total dichotomous percentage item1 30.0 46.0 39.0 16.0 875.045455 21.7 item2 1.0 5.0 2.0 4.0 56.454546 82.6 item3 -1.0 1.0 -1.0 2.0 -2.090909 95.7 item4 2.0 6.0 3.0 4.0 83.636364 60.9 item5 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 41.818182 95.7 item6 -1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 5.476191 91.3 item7 -2.6 8.3 2.2 10.9 44.85 8.7 item mean standard variance minimum maximum range statistic deviation item means 6.864533 13.808362 190.670847 -0.090909 38.045455 38.136364 item standard deviations 1.783241 1.672015 2.795633 0.385695 5.094358 4.708663 item variances 5.576204 9.461837 89.526368 0.14876 25.952479 25.803719 item mimima 4.2 11.483902 131.88 -2.6 30.0 32.6 item maxima 9.9 16.154566 260.97 1.0 46.0 45.0 item medians 6.885714 14.218231 202.158095 -1.0 39.0 40.0 item ranges 5.7 5.603273 31.396667 1.0 16.0 15.0 item totals 157.884261 317.592314 100864.878148 -2.090909 875.045455 877.136364 standardized data item mean standard moment median quartile kurtosis deviation skewness skewness skewness excess item1 0.0 1.0 -0.150193 -0.562119 -1.0 -1.323939 item2 0.0 1.0 1.301583 1.626978 NaN 1.904775 item3 0.0 1.0 0.182574 2.738613 -1.0 -1.966667 item4 0.0 1.0 0.707135 1.511613 NaN -0.724583 item5 0.0 1.0 -1.649916 -1.414214 NaN 0.722222 item6 0.0 1.0 -0.501828 -2.408775 -1.0 -1.70055 item7 0.0 1.0 0.163217 -0.253655 0.677419 -0.88838 item minimum maximum median range total item1 -1.579287 1.561442 0.187373 3.14073 0.0 item2 -1.735444 3.037026 -0.542326 4.77247 0.0 item3 -0.912871 1.095445 -0.912871 2.008316 0.0 item4 -1.295668 1.871521 -0.503871 3.167189 0.0 item5 -2.12132 0.471405 0.471405 2.592725 0.0 item6 -1.304753 0.802925 0.802925 2.107678 0.0 item7 -1.53884 2.147612 0.084552 3.686453 0.0 item mean standard variance minimum maximum range statistic deviation item means 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 item standard deviations 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 item variances 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 item mimima -1.498312 0.381628 0.14564 -2.12132 -0.912871 1.208449 item maxima 1.569625 0.875339 0.766218 0.471405 3.037026 2.565622 item medians -0.058973 0.614568 0.377693 -0.912871 0.802925 1.715796 item ranges 3.067937 0.963835 0.928977 2.008316 4.77247 2.764154 item totals 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 DELETION OF ITEMS Raw data Standardized data Deleted item Alpha Correlation Average Average Alpha Correlation Average Average coefficient inter-item inter-item coefficient inter-item inter-item with total correlation correlation with total correlation correlation coefficient coefficient coefficient coefficient without totals with totals without totals with totals item1 0.561782 0.686917 0.232569 0.329764 0.645175 0.598854 0.232569 0.232569 item2 0.595814 0.57597 0.23541 0.325863 0.648795 0.585106 0.23541 0.23541 item3 0.646847 0.09609 0.342536 0.423727 0.757633 0.125865 0.342536 0.342536 item4 0.613444 0.31979 0.274958 0.362628 0.694692 0.403062 0.274958 0.274958 item5 0.639169 0.271141 0.309249 0.394667 0.728718 0.257658 0.309249 0.309249 item6 0.598852 0.497437 0.266666 0.352486 0.685714 0.439869 0.266666 0.266666 item7 0.412421 0.755754 0.220555 0.308461 0.629325 0.658084 0.220555 0.220555 No item deleted 0.632531 0.268849 0.342947 0.720197 0.268849 0.354382 INDIVIDUALS - raw data person mean standard minimum maximum range total deviation 1 7.557143 13.929807 1.0 39.0 38.0 52.9 2 5.528571 13.071179 -1.0 35.0 36.0 38.7 3 6.257143 12.756548 -1.2 35.0 36.2 43.8 4 5.585714 14.377115 -1.9 38.0 39.9 39.1 5 6.957143 14.67695 -1.0 40.0 41.0 48.7 6 8.742857 15.227044 1.0 43.0 42.0 61.2 7 8.514286 16.560538 1.0 46.0 45.0 59.6 8 6.720779 14.013532 -1.0 38.045455 39.045455 47.045455 9 5.505195 13.168668 -2.1 35.0 37.1 38.536364 10 5.741157 11.655707 -1.0 32.0 33.0 40.188095 11 7.785714 14.259082 1.0 40.0 39.0 54.5 12 7.379221 14.903548 -1.0 41.0 42.0 51.654546 13 4.771429 11.279733 -2.6 30.0 32.6 33.4 14 7.214286 14.100405 -1.0 39.0 40.0 50.5 15 5.802597 12.057189 -1.0 33.0 34.0 40.618182 16 8.2 15.914773 -1.0 44.0 45.0 57.4 17 4.928571 12.001488 -1.5 32.0 33.5 34.5 18 8.9 15.26663 1.0 43.0 42.0 62.3 19 5.935312 10.796832 -0.090909 30.0 30.090909 41.547186 20 8.357143 16.316439 -1.0 45.0 46.0 58.5 21 5.371429 11.388549 -1.0 31.0 32.0 37.6 22 8.1 15.944801 -1.0 44.0 45.0 56.7 23 8.028571 15.113097 -1.0 42.0 43.0 56.2 scores: person item1 item2 item3 item4 item5 item6 item7 1 39.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 4.9 2 35.0 2.0 -1.0 2.0 2.0 -1.0 -0.3 3 35.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 -1.2 4 38.0 2.0 -1.0 2.0 1.0 -1.0 -1.9 5 40.0 3.0 -1.0 3.0 2.0 -1.0 2.7 6 43.0 5.0 1.0 6.0 2.0 1.0 3.2 7 46.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 3.6 8 38.045455 2.0 1.0 6.0 2.0 -1.0 -1.0 9 35.0 2.0 -1.0 3.636364 2.0 -1.0 -2.1 10 32.0 2.0 -1.0 3.0 2.0 0.238095 1.95 11 40.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 4.5 12 41.0 2.454546 -1.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 2.2 13 30.0 2.0 -1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 -2.6 14 39.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 -1.0 3.5 15 33.0 2.0 -1.0 3.0 1.818182 1.0 0.8 16 44.0 2.0 -1.0 5.0 2.0 1.0 4.4 17 32.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 -1.0 -1.5 18 43.0 4.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 8.3 19 30.0 2.0 -0.090909 6.0 2.0 0.238095 1.4 20 45.0 2.0 -1.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 6.5 21 31.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 -1.0 -0.4 22 44.0 2.0 -1.0 5.0 2.0 1.0 3.7 23 42.0 3.0 -1.0 5.0 2.0 1.0 4.2 INDIVIDUALS - standardized data person mean standard minimum maximum range total deviation 1 0.35838 0.676559 -0.542326 1.095445 1.637771 2.50866 2 -0.706141 0.60233 -1.304753 0.471405 1.776158 -4.942989 3 0.121934 0.82992 -1.065351 1.095445 2.160796 0.853535 4 -1.069708 0.670099 -2.12132 -0.008923 2.112398 -7.487957 5 -0.137425 0.765364 -1.304753 0.650791 1.955545 -0.961976 6 1.239091 0.928278 0.422758 3.037026 2.614268 8.673636 7 0.662311 0.635511 -0.503871 1.561442 2.065313 4.636178 8 0.084797 1.145018 -1.304753 1.871521 3.176274 0.593582 9 -0.608013 0.670553 -1.369737 0.471405 1.841142 -4.256092 10 -0.382051 0.575914 -1.186696 0.471405 1.658101 -2.67436 11 0.537542 0.518436 -0.503871 1.095445 1.599316 3.762791 12 0.1877 0.559767 -0.912871 0.802925 1.715796 1.313901 13 -0.913656 0.961322 -2.12132 0.802925 2.924245 -6.395591 14 0.160087 0.809582 -1.304753 1.095445 2.400198 1.12061 15 -0.362212 0.610984 -0.990401 0.802925 1.793326 -2.535481 16 0.413759 0.817984 -0.912871 1.168851 2.081722 2.896314 17 -1.102179 1.029484 -2.12132 1.095445 3.216766 -7.71525 18 0.718436 1.400752 -2.12132 2.147612 4.268933 5.029053 19 0.005043 1.044629 -1.579287 1.871521 3.450808 0.035298 20 0.317036 0.981183 -0.912871 1.53884 2.451711 2.219249 21 -0.423126 0.909552 -1.382992 1.095445 2.478437 -2.961878 22 0.379938 0.802725 -0.912871 1.168851 2.081722 2.659569 23 0.518457 0.656968 -0.912871 1.079724 1.992595 3.629199 scores: person item1 item2 item3 item4 item5 item6 item7 1 0.187373 -0.542326 1.095445 -0.503871 0.471405 0.802925 0.99771 2 -0.597809 -0.542326 -0.912871 -1.295668 0.471405 -1.304753 -0.760965 3 -0.597809 0.650791 1.095445 -0.503871 0.471405 0.802925 -1.065351 4 -0.008923 -0.542326 -0.912871 -1.295668 -2.12132 -1.304753 -1.302096 5 0.383669 0.650791 -0.912871 -0.503871 0.471405 -1.304753 0.253655 6 0.972556 3.037026 1.095445 1.871521 0.471405 0.802925 0.422758 7 1.561442 0.650791 1.095445 -0.503871 0.471405 0.802925 0.558041 8 0.0 -0.542326 1.095445 1.871521 0.471405 -1.304753 -0.99771 9 -0.597809 -0.542326 -0.912871 -3.516287E-16 0.471405 -1.304753 -1.369737 10 -1.186696 -0.542326 -0.912871 -0.503871 0.471405 -2.924991E-17 0.0 11 0.383669 0.650791 1.095445 -0.503871 0.471405 0.802925 0.862427 12 0.579964 0.0 -0.912871 0.287926 0.471405 0.802925 0.084552 13 -1.579287 -0.542326 -0.912871 -0.503871 -2.12132 0.802925 -1.53884 14 0.187373 0.650791 1.095445 -0.503871 0.471405 -1.304753 0.52422 15 -0.990401 -0.542326 -0.912871 -0.503871 5.757006E-16 0.802925 -0.388938 16 1.168851 -0.542326 -0.912871 1.079724 0.471405 0.802925 0.828606 17 -1.186696 -1.735444 1.095445 -1.295668 -2.12132 -1.304753 -1.166813 18 0.972556 1.843909 1.095445 0.287926 -2.12132 0.802925 2.147612 19 -1.579287 -0.542326 0.0 1.871521 0.471405 -2.924991E-17 -0.186014 20 1.365147 -0.542326 -0.912871 -0.503871 0.471405 0.802925 1.53884 21 -1.382992 -0.542326 1.095445 -0.503871 0.471405 -1.304753 -0.794786 22 1.168851 -0.542326 -0.912871 1.079724 0.471405 0.802925 0.591862 23 0.77626 0.650791 -0.912871 1.079724 0.471405 0.802925 0.760965 ALL SCORES - raw data mean standard minimum maximum range overall deviation total 6.864533 13.031527 -2.6 46.0 48.6 1105.189827 ALL SCORES - standardized data mean standard minimum maximum range overall deviation total -1.723949E-17 0.981071 -2.12132 3.037026 5.158347 0.0