Michael Thomas Flanagan's Java Scientific Library

Db Class:     Input & Output through a Dialog Box


Last update: 31 October 2010                                                                                                                              Main Page of Michael Thomas Flanagan's Java Scientific Library

A class for entering numbers and characters via a dialog box and for displaying numbers and characters in a dialog box.
This class contains easy to use methods for entering numbers and characters, of the following types, from the keyboard, via a dialog box:
           floating point, double           floating point, float           arbitrary precision, BigDecimal          
integer, int           long integer, long           big integer, BigInteger          
short integer, short           byte integer, byte           character, char          
complex number, Complex           phasor, Phasor           boolean, boolean          
line, a String terminated by a new line return
plus a yes/no dialog box and a multiple choice dialoge box.

See KeyboardInput for input via standard console window without a dialog box.

This class contains easy to use methods for displaying numbers and characters, of the following types, in a dialog box:
           floating point, double           floating point, Double           floating point, float           floating point, Float           arbitrary precision, BigDecimal          
integer, int           integer, Integer           long integer, long           long integer, Long           big integer, BigInteger          
short integer, short           short integer, Short           byte integer, byte           byte integer, Byte           character, char           character, Character          
complex number, Complex           phasor, Phasor           boolean, boolean           boolean, Boolean          
a String            ErrorProp number            ComplexErrorProp number          
a message only          

import directive: import flanagan.io.Db; Other classes from the Michael Thomas Flanagan Library used by this class: None

Related classes:


Entering a number Geneneral comments applying to all types
Remove type information from the input message public static void setTypeInfoOption(int option)
Enter a double floating point number (double) public static final synchronized double readDouble(String prompt)
public static final synchronized double readDouble(String prompt, double dflt)
public static final synchronized double readDouble()
Enter a float floating point number (float) public static final synchronized float readFloat(String prompt)
public static final synchronized float readFloat(String prompt, float dflt)
public static final synchronized float readFloat()
Enter a BigDecimal (BigDecimal) public static final synchronized BigDecimal readBigDecimal(String prompt)
public static final synchronized BigDecimal readBigDecimal(String prompt, BigDecimal dflt)
public static final synchronized BigDecimal readBigDecimal(String prompt, double dflt)
public static final synchronized BigDecimal readBigDecimal(String prompt, float dflt)
public static final synchronized BigDecimal readBigDecimal(String prompt, long dflt)
public static final synchronized BigDecimal readBigDecimal(String prompt, int dflt)
public static final synchronized BigDecimal readBigDecimal(String prompt, String dflt)
public static final synchronized BigDecimal readBigDecimal()
Enter an integer (int) public static final synchronized int readInt(String prompt)
public static final synchronized int readInt(String prompt, int dflt)
public static final synchronized int readInt()
Enter a long integer (long) public static final synchronized long readLong(String prompt)
public static final synchronized long readLong(String prompt, long dflt)
public static final synchronized long readLong()
Enter a BigInteger (BigInteger) public static final synchronized BigInteger readBigInteger(String prompt)
public static final synchronized BigInteger readBigInteger(String prompt, BigInteger dflt)
public static final synchronized BigInteger readBigInteger(String prompt, long dflt)
public static final synchronized BigInteger readBigInteger(String prompt, int dflt)
public static final synchronized BigInteger readBigInteger(String prompt, String dflt)
public static final synchronized BigInteger readBigInteger()
Enter a short integer (short) public static final synchronized short readShort(String prompt)
public static final synchronized short readShort(String prompt, short dflt)
public static final synchronized short readShort()
Enter a byte integer (byte) public static final synchronized byte readByte(String prompt)
public static final synchronized byte readByte(String prompt, byte dflt)
public static final synchronized byte readByte()
Enter a character (char) public static final synchronized char readChar(String prompt)
public static final synchronized char readChar(String prompt, char dflt)
public static final synchronized char readChar()
Enter true or false (boolean) public static final synchronized boolean readBoolean(String prompt)
public static final synchronized boolean readBoolean(String prompt, char dflt)
public static final synchronized boolean readBoolean()
Enter a Complex number (Complex) public static final synchronized Complex readComplex(String prompt)
public static final synchronized Complex readComplex(String prompt, Complex dflt)
public static final synchronized Complex readComplex(String prompt, String dflt)
public static final synchronized Complex readComplex()
Enter a Phasor (Phasor) public static final synchronized Phasor readPhasor(String prompt)
public static final synchronized Phasor readPhasor(String prompt, Complex dflt)
public static final synchronized Phasor readCPhasor(String prompt, String dflt)
public static final synchronized Phasor readPhasor()
Enter a line of text (String) public static final synchronized String readLine(String prompt)
public static final synchronized String readLine(String prompt, String dflt)
public static final synchronized String readLine()
Question with a yes or no answer public static final synchronized boolean yesNo(String question)
public static final synchronized boolean noYes(String question)
Multiple choice dialog box public static final synchronized int optionBox(String headerComment, String[] queries, String boxTitles, int defaultBox)
public static final synchronized int optionBox(String headerComment, String query, String boxTitles, int defaultBox)
Display a double, Double, float, Float, BigDecimal
int, Integer, long, Long, BigInteger, short, Short, byte, Byte
character, Character, String, boolean, Boolean
Complex, Phasor,
ErrorProp or ComplexErrorProp
public static final synchronized void show(String message, double number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, double number, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void showdouble number)
public static final synchronized void show(double number, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Double number)
public static final synchronized void showDouble number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, float number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, float number, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(float number)
public static final synchronized void show(float number, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Float number)
public static final synchronized void show(Float number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, BigDecimal number)
public static final synchronized void show(BigDecimal number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, int number)
public static final synchronized void show(int number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Integer number)
public static final synchronized void show(Integer number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, long number)
public static final synchronized void show(long number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Long number)
public static final synchronized void show(Long number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, BigInteger number)
public static final synchronized void show(BigInteger number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, short number)
public static final synchronized void show(short number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Short number)
public static final synchronized void show(Short number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, byte number)
public static final synchronized void show(byte number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Byte number)
public static final synchronized void show(Byte number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, char character)
public static final synchronized void show(char character)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Character character)
public static final synchronized void show(Character character)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, String string)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, boolean trueOrfalse)
public static final synchronized void show(boolean trueOrfalse)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Boolean trueOrfalse)
public static final synchronized void show(Boolean trueOrfalse)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Complex number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Complex number, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(Complex number)
public static final synchronized void show(Complex number, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Phasor number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Phasor number, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(Phasor number)
public static final synchronized void show(Phasor number, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, ErrorProp number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, ErrorProp number, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(ErrorProp number)
public static final synchronized void show(ErrorProp number, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, ComplexErrorProp number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, ComplexErrorProp number, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(ComplexErrorProp number)
public static final synchronized void show(ComplexErrorProp number, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(String message)
End the program public static final synchronized void.endProgram()


General Usage:
                     x = Db.readXxxx(prompt);

where readXxxx is readDouble, readFloat, readInt, readLong, readChar or readLine.
This method displays an input dialog box with the prompt message prompt, e.g. "Enter an integer value". The number, character or String should then be entered in the text field of the input dialog box. Clicking on the dialog box OK button returns the typed value to, in the above usage, x. The cancel button may be used to delete all characters from the text field, e.g. if you have mis-typed. If an an invalid field, e.g. a character instead of and integer in readInt, is entered, the dialog box will reappear. This method does not offer a default option (see next Usage). Applications using these methods must be terminated as described below
See Java input using Db for an undergraduate course description of the Db read methods and a simple example program.

                     x = Db.readXxxx(prompt, dflt);
where readXxxx is readDouble, readFloat, readInt, readLong, readChar or readLine.
This method displays an input dialog box with the prompt message prompt, e.g. "Enter an integer value", followed by the statement "[default value is 'dflt' ]" where 'dflt' is the value of dflt. The number, character or String should then be entered in the text field of the input dialog box. Clicking on the dialog box OK button returns the typed value to, in the above usage, x. If no value is entered, i.e. the text feel is left empty and the OK is clicked, the default value, dflt, is returned, in the above usage, to x. The cancel button may be used to delete all characterrs from the text field, e.g. if you have mis-typed. If an an invalid field, e.g. a character instead of and integer in readInt, is entered, the dialog box will reappear. This method does not offer a default option (see next Usage). Applications using these methods must be terminated as described below
See Java input using Db for an undergraduate course description of the Db read methods and a simple example program.

                     x = Db.readXxxx();
where readXxxx is readDouble, readFloat, readInt, readLong, readChar or readLine.
This method displays an input dialog box with the prompt message "Enter a xxxx" where xxxx is double, float, int, long, char or line as appropriate. The number, character or String should then be entered in the text field of the input dialog box. Clicking on the dialog box OK button returns the typed value to, in the above usage, x. The cancel button may be used to delete all characterrs from the text field, e.g. if you have mis-typed. If an an invalid field, e.g. a character instead of and integer in readInt, is entered, the dialog box will reappear. This method does not offer a default option (see above Usage). Applications using these methods must be terminated as described below

public static void setTypeInfoOption(int option)

public static final synchronized void EndProgram()

This method displays a dialogue box that asks if you want to end the program. Answering yes ends the program. Answering no displays a message telling you how you may now end the program.

Any application that you write that displays a graphical user interface, as the methods in this class Db do, must be terminated with the line
or by calling a method that contains that statement, e.g. by calling Db.endProgram().

public static final synchronized double readDouble(String prompt)
public static final synchronized double readDouble(String prompt, double dflt)
public static final synchronized double readDouble()

                     double x = Db.readDouble(prompt);

                     double x = Db.readDouble(prompt, dflt);
                     double x = Db.readDouble();
A method for entering a floating point number, of type double, from the keyboard, via a dialog box. For details of prompt and dflt, see 'Entering a number . . .(above).

public static final synchronized float readFloat(String prompt)
public static final synchronized float readFloat(String prompt, float dflt)
public static final synchronized float readFloat()

                     float x = Db.readFloat(prompt);

                     float x = Db.readFloat(prompt, dflt);
                     float x = Db.readFloat();
A method for entering a floating point number, of type float, from the keyboard, via a dialog box. For details of prompt and dflt, see 'Entering a number . . .(above).

public static final synchronized BigDecimal readBigDecimal(String prompt)
public static final synchronized BigDecimal readBigDecimal(String prompt, BigDecimal dflt)
public static final synchronized BigDecimal readBigDecimal(String prompt, double dflt)
public static final synchronized BigDecimal readBigDecimal(String prompt, float dflt)
public static final synchronized BigDecimal readBigDecimal(String prompt, long dflt)
public static final synchronized BigDecimal readBigDecimal(String prompt, int dflt)
public static final synchronized BigDecimal readBigDecimal(String prompt, String dflt)
public static final synchronized BigDecimal readBigDecimal()

                     BigDecimal x = Db.readBigDecimal(prompt);

                     BigDecimal x = Db.readBigDecimal(prompt, dflt);
                     BigDecimal x = Db.readBigDecimal();
A method for entering a BigDecimal from the keyboard, via a dialog box. Enter the number using the standard convention, e.g. 1.23456, -4.3257, 4.3976e7, 9.52398e-5, 3456, -123456789. The default value may be entered as a BigDecimal, double, float, long, int or as a String. For details of prompt and dflt, see 'Entering a number . . .(above).

public static final synchronized int readInt(String prompt)
public static final synchronized int readInt(String prompt, int dflt)
public static final synchronized int readInt()

                     int x = Db.readInt(prompt);

                     int x = Db.readInt(prompt, dflt);
                     int x = Db.readInt();
A method for entering an integer, of type int, from the keyboard, via a dialog box. For details of prompt and dflt, see 'Entering a number . . .(above).

public static final synchronized long readLong(String prompt)
public static final synchronized long readLong(String prompt, long dflt)
public static final synchronized long readLong()

                     long x = Db.readLong(prompt);

                     long x = Db.readLong(prompt, dflt);
                     long x = Db.readLong();
A method for entering an integer, of type long, from the keyboard, via a dialog box. For details of prompt and dflt, see 'Entering a number . . .(above).

public static final synchronized BigInteger readBigInteger(String prompt)
public static final synchronized BigInteger readBigInteger(String prompt, BigInteger dflt)
public static final synchronized BigInteger readBigInteger(String prompt, long dflt)
public static final synchronized BigInteger readBigInteger(String prompt, int dflt)
public static final synchronized BigInteger readBigInteger(String prompt, String dflt)
public static final synchronized BigInteger readBigInteger()

                     BigInteger x = Db.readBigInteger(prompt);

                     BigInteger x = Db.readBigInteger(prompt, dflt);
                     BigInteger x = Db.readBigInteger();
A method for entering a BigInteger from the keyboard, via a dialog box. Enter the number using the standard convention, e.g. 34562678, -12345678976543. The default value may be entered as a BigInteger, long, int or as a String. For details of prompt and dflt, see 'Entering a number . . .(above).

public static final synchronized short readShort(String prompt)
public static final synchronized short readShort(String prompt, short dflt)
public static final synchronized short readShort()

                     short x = Db.readShort(prompt);

                     short x = Db.readShort(prompt, dflt);
                     short x = Db.readShort();
A method for entering an integer, of type short, from the keyboard, via a dialog box. For details of prompt and dflt, see 'Entering a number . . .(above).

public static final synchronized byte readByte(String prompt)
public static final synchronized byte readByte(String prompt, byte dflt)
public static final synchronized byte readByte()

                     byte x = Db.readByte(prompt);

                     byte x = Db.readByte(prompt, dflt);
                     byte x = Db.readByte();
A method for entering an integer, of type byte, from the keyboard, via a dialog box. For details of prompt and dflt, see 'Entering a number . . .(above).

public static final synchronized char readChar(String prompt)
public static final synchronized char readChar(String prompt, char dflt)
public static final synchronized char readChar()

                     char x = Db.readChar(prompt);

                     char x = Db.readChar(prompt, dflt);
                     char x = Db.readChar();
A method for entering a character, of type char, from the keyboard, via a dialog box. If more than a single character is typed, all but the first character will be ignored. Leading spaces will also be ignored. For details of prompt and dflt, see 'Entering a number . . .(above).

ENTERING A BOOLEAN, i.e true or false (boolean)
public static final synchronized boolean readBoolean(String prompt)
public static final synchronized boolean readBoolean(String prompt, boolean dflt)
public static final synchronized boolean readBoolean()

                     boolean x = Db.readBoolean(prompt);

                     boolean x = Db.readBoolean(prompt, dflt);
                     boolean x = Db.readBoolean();
A method for entering a boolean, i.e. true or false, from the keyboard, via a dialog box. For details of prompt and dflt, see 'Entering a number . . .(above).

public static final synchronized Complex readComplex(String prompt)
public static final synchronized Complex readComplex(String prompt, Complex dflt)
public static final synchronized Complex readComplex(String prompt, String dflt)
public static final synchronized Complex readComplex()

                     Complex x = Db.readComplex(prompt);

                     Complex x = Db.readComplex(prompt, dflt);
                     Complex x = Db.readComplex();
A method for entering a Complex number from the keyboard, via a dialog box. The user may enter a complex number, via the Dialog box, in one of the following formats:
x+jy    x+iy    x + jy    x + iy    x-jy    x-iy    x - jy    x - iy            e.g. 2.3e-5 - j0.453
The default value may be entered as a Complex variable or as a String using one of the above formats. For details of prompt and dflt, see 'Entering a number . . .(above).

public static final synchronized phasor readPhasor(String prompt)
public static final synchronized phasor readPhasor(String prompt, Phasor dflt)
public static final synchronized phasor readPhasor(String prompt, String dflt)
public static final synchronized phasor readPhasor()

                     Phasor x = Db.readPhasor(prompt);

                     Phasor x = Db.readPhasor(prompt, dflt);
                     Phasor x = Db.readPhasor();
A method for entering a Phasor from the keyboard, via a dialog box. The user may enter a Phasor, via the Dialog box, in one of the following formats:
x<y    xLy    x<ydeg    xLydeg    x<yrad    xLyrad        e.g. 3.0e2<22.78deg
where x is the magnitude and y is the phase. The first four formats accept the phase in degrees, the latter two formats accept the phase in radians. The default value may be entered as a Phasor variable or as a String using one of the above formats. For details of prompt and dflt, see 'Entering a number . . .(above).

public static final synchronized String readLine(String prompt)
public static final synchronized String readLine(String prompt, String dflt)
public static final synchronized String readLine()

                     String x = Db.readLine(prompt);

                     String x = Db.readLine(prompt, dflt);
                     String x = Db.readLine();
A method for entering a line of text from the keyboard, via a dialog box. The method will accept data until a new line return ('\n') is met. The line of text is returned as a String. The line of text may include spaces. For details of prompt and dflt, see 'Entering a number . . .(above).

public static final synchronized boolean yesNo(String question)
                     boolean answer = Db.yesNo(question);

A method which displays a question with a yes box and a no box. Clicking the yes box returns true, clicking the no box returns false and clicking enter/return, returns true, i.e. the default option is yes.

public static final synchronized boolean noYes(String question)
                     boolean answer = Db.noYes(question);

A method which displays a question with a yes box and a no box. Clicking the yes box returns true, clicking the no box returns false and clicking enter/return, returns false, i.e. the default option is no.

public static final synchronized int optionBox(String headerComment, String[] queries, String boxTitles, int defaultBox)
public static final synchronized int optionBox(String headerComment, String query, String boxTitles, int defaultBox)
                     int option = Db.optionBox(header, queries, boxTitles, defaultBox);

A method which displays a dialog box showing the header String followed by the Strings in the array queries in a numbered column, followed by the boxTitle Strings in a row, each in a numbered clickable box. When a box is clicked the method returns the number of that box. The int deafaultBox defines the box number returned on pressing the return (enter) key without first clicking on a box, i.e. the default return value. This method is illustrated in the following program:

import flanagan.io.Db;

public class OptionBoxExample{

    public static void main(String[] args){

        String headerComment = "Do you wish to read";
        String[] comments = {"Word files", "Excel files", "Text files", "All file types"};
        String[] boxTitles = {"Word", "Excel", "Text", "All"};
        int defaultBox = 3;
        int opt =  Db.optionBox(headerComment, comments, boxTitles, defaultBox);

        // rest of program

which displays:

                     int option = Db.optionBox(header, query, boxTitles, defaultBox);

As above but with a single general query, entered via the single String argument, query, in place of the column of queries.

Method for displaying a double, Double, float, Float, BigDecimal, int, Integer, long, Long, BigInteger, short, Short, byte, Byte, char, Character, boolean, Boolean, String, Complex, Phasor, ErrorProp or ComplexErrorProp

public static final synchronized void show(String message, double output)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, double output, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Double output)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, float output)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, float output, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Float output)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, BigDecimal number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, int output)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Integer output)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, long output)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Long output)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, BigInteger number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, short number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Short number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, byte number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Byte number)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Character output)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, char output)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, String output)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, boolean output)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Complex output)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Complex output, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Phasor output)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, Phasor output, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, ErrorProp output)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, ErrorProp output, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, ComplexErrorProp output)
public static final synchronized void show(String message, ComplexErrorProp output, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(String message)
public static final synchronized void show(double output)
public static final synchronized void show(double output, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(Double output)
public static final synchronized void show(float output)
public static final synchronized void show(float output, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(Float output)
public static final synchronized void show(BigDecimal number)
public static final synchronized void show(int output)
public static final synchronized void show(Integer output)
public static final synchronized void show(long output)
public static final synchronized void show(Long output)
public static final synchronized void show(BigInteger number)
public static final synchronized void show(short number)
public static final synchronized void show(Short number)
public static final synchronized void show(byte number)
public static final synchronized void show(Byte number)
public static final synchronized void show(Character output)
public static final synchronized void show(char output)
public static final synchronized void show(String output)
public static final synchronized void show(boolean output)
public static final synchronized void show(Complex output)
public static final synchronized void show(Complex output, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(Phasor output)
public static final synchronized void show(Phasor output, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(ErrorProp output)
public static final synchronized void show(ErrorProp output, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(ComplexErrorProp output)
public static final synchronized void show(ComplexErrorProp output, int trunc)
public static final synchronized void show(String message)
                     Db.show(message, output);

A method for displaying, in a dialog box, a message followed by output which may be a double, Double, float, Float, BigDecimal, int, Integer, long, Long, BigInteger, short, Short, byte, Byte, char, Character, String, Complex, Phasor, ErrorProp or ComplexErrorProp.


A method for displaying, in a dialog box, the argument output which may be a double, Double, float, Float, BigDecimal, int, Integer, long, Long, BigInteger, short, Short, byte, Byte, char, Character, String, Complex, Phasor, ErrorProp or ComplexErrorProp.

                     Db.show(message, output, trunc);

A method for displaying, in a dialog box, a message followed by output, a number whose mantissa is or mantissae are truncated to trunc decimal places and which may be a double, float, Complex, Phasor, ErrorProp or ComplexErrorProp.

                     Db.show(output, trunc);

A method for displaying, in a dialog box, the argument output, a number whose mantissa is or mantissae are truncated to trunc decimal places and which may be a double, float, Complex, Phasor, ErrorProp or ComplexErrorProp.


A method for displaying, in a dialog box, a message i.e. a String.

See Java output using Db for an undergraduate course description of the Db show method and a simple example program.


This class uses the following classes in this library:

This page was prepared by Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan