/* ImmunoAssayExampleFive * * An example program illustrating the use of the ImmunoAssay class * This example reads the assay data from a text file, * selects, via a dialogue box, an equations to be compared * * Mick Flanagan * 7 February 2011 */ import flanagan.physchem.ImmunoAssay; public class ImmunoAssayExampleFive{ public static void main(String[] args){ // Create an instance of ImmunoAssay ImmunoAssay assay = new ImmunoAssay(); // Read the data from a text file using a file chooser window // There is a prepared data file named ImmunoAssayData.txt assay.readFromFile(); // Choose equations goodness of fit is to be compared and print the comparison analysis // defaualt significance chosen // output file - ImmunoAssayFiveOutput.txt assay.compare("ImmunoAssayFiveOutput.txt"); } }