LinearInterpolation performs interpolation within a one dimensional array of data points, y = f(x).
This class contains methods for checking the validity of the entered data.
Cubic Interpolation
CubicInterpolation performs interpolation within a one dimensional array of data points, y = f(x).
This interpolation uses the gradients and cross gradients at all grid points.
This class contains methods for checking the validity of the entered data.
Cubic Spline Interpolation
Cubic spline interpolation within a one dimensional array of data points, y = f(x).
The default option is a natural spline but the user may override this by entering the limiting first derivatives.
This class also contains a method for returning the interpolated first derivative, ∂y/∂x.
This class contains methods for checking the validity of the entered data.
CubicSplineFast Cubic spline interpolation within a one dimensional array of data points, y = f(x).
The interpolation utilises natural splines.
This class does not contain methods for checking the validity of the entered data allowing faster execution.
BiCubic Interpolation
BicubicInterpolation performs interpolation within a two dimensional array of data points, y = f(x1,x2).
This interpolation uses the gradients and cross gradients at all grid points.
This class contains methods for checking the validity of the entered data.
BiCubic Spline Interpolation
Bicubic spline interpolation within a two dimensional array of data points, y = f(x1,x2).
The interpolation utilises natural splines.
This class contains methods for checking the validity of the entered data.
Bicubic spline interpolation within a two dimensional array of data points, y = f(x1,x2).
The interpolation utilises natural splines.
This class does not contain methods for checking the validity of the entered data allowing faster execution.
Bicubic spline interpolation within a two dimensional array of data points, y = f(x1,x2).
This class also contains a method for returning the interpolated values of the two first derivatives, ∂y/∂x1 and ∂y/∂x2.
The interpolation utilises natural splines.
This class does not contain methods for checking the validity of the entered data.
Tricubic Interpolation
TricubicInterpolation performs interpolation within a three dimensional array of data points, y = f(x1,x2,x3).
This interpolation uses the gradients and cross gradients at all grid points.
This class contains methods for checking the validity of the entered data.
TriCubic Spline Interpolation
Tricubic spline interpolation within a three dimensional array of data points, y = f(x1,x2,x3).
The interpolation utilises natural splines.
This class contains methods for checking the validity of the entered data.
QuadriCubic Spline Interpolation
Quadricubic spline interpolation within a four dimensional array of data points, y = f(x1,x2,x3,x4).
The interpolation utilises natural splines.
This class contains methods for checking the validity of the entered data.
PolyCubic Spline Interpolation
Multidimensional spline interpolation within a n-dimensional array of data points, y = f(x1,x2,x3 . . . xn).
The interpolation utilises natural splines.
This class contains methods for checking the validity of the entered data.
Multidimensional spline interpolation within a n-dimensional array of data points, y = f(x1,x2,x3 . . . xn).
The interpolation utilises natural splines.
This class does not contain methods for checking the validity of the entered data allowing faster execution.
Polyline Simplification
Performs a Douglas-Peucker polyline simplification on two dimensional or three dimensional curves.
Interpolation classes with faster execution times
Three of the interpolation classes have aternative versions in which all the data checking methods have been removed allowing faster execution times. The decrease in execution time may be significant if repeated interpolation within very large data arrays is required. However the user must ensure that all the two dimensional data arrays x-values are in ascending order, that there are no two points with the same x value, that there are adequate numbers of data points and that the x-values of the point for which an interpolated y-value is required lie within the bounds of the supplied data.
Cubic Spline Interpolation
CubicSplineFast Cubic spline interpolation within a one dimensional array of data points, y = f(x).
The interpolation utilises natural splines.
This class does not contain methods for checking the validity of the entered data allowing faster execution.
BiCubic Spline Interpolation
Bicubic spline interpolation within a two dimensional array of data points, y = f(x1,x2).
The interpolation utilises natural splines.
This class does not contain methods for checking the validity of the entered data allowing faster execution.
PolyCubic Spline Interpolation
Multidimensional spline interpolation within a n-dimensional array of data points, y = f(x1,x2,x3 . . . xn).
The interpolation utilises natural splines.
This class does not contain methods for checking the validity of the entered data allowing faster execution.
Interpolation classes also calculating interpolated values of the first derivative
The cubic spline class also contains a method for returning the interpolated values of the first derivative and there is an alternative to the bicubic spline class the also returns the first derivatives.
Cubic Interpolation
CubicInterpolation performs interpolation within a one dimensional array of data points, y = f(x).
This interpolation uses the gradients and cross gradients at all grid points.
This class also contains a method for returning the interpolated values of the derivatives, ∂y/∂x.
Cubic Spline Interpolation
Cubic spline interpolation within a one dimensional array of data points, y = f(x).
The default option is a natural spline but the user may override this by entering the limiting first derivatives.
This class also contains a method for returning the interpolated first derivative, ∂y/∂x.
This class contains methods for checking the validity of the entered data.
Bicubic Interpolation
BicubicInterpolation performs interpolation within a two dimensional array of data points, y = f(x1,x2).
This interpolation uses the gradients and cross gradients at all grid points.
This class also contains a method for returning the interpolated values of the derivatives, ∂y/∂x1, ∂y/∂x2 and ∂2y/∂x1∂x2.
BiCubic Spline Interpolation
Bicubic spline interpolation within a two dimensional array of data points, y = f(x1,x2).
This class also contains a method for returning the interpolated values of the two first derivatives, ∂y/∂x1 and ∂y/∂x2.
The interpolation utilises natural splines.
Tricubic Interpolation
TricubicInterpolation performs interpolation within a three dimensional array of data points, y = f(x1,x2,x3).
This interpolation uses the gradients and cross gradients at all grid points.
This class also contains a method for returning the interpolated values of the derivatives, ∂y/∂x1, ∂y/∂x2 , ∂y/∂x3, ∂2y/∂x1∂x2, ∂2y/∂x1∂x3, ∂2y/∂x2∂x3 and ∂3y/∂x1∂x2∂x1∂x3.
Some related classes
This class provides methods for smoothing one dimensonal data, i.e. a curve, and for interpolating within the smoothed data.
This class provides methods for smoothing two dimensional data, i.e. a surface, and for interpolating within the smoothed data.
This class provides methods for smoothing three dimensional data and for interpolating within the smoothed data.
This class provides methods for calculating the gradients within 1D and 2D arrays and for interpolating within the gradient arrays.
This class provides methods for fitting a data curve to several models or to a user supplied model.