Michael Thomas Flanagan's Java Scientific Library

PhasorMatrix Class:      Phasor Matrices


Last update: 14 November 2010
Main Page of Michael Thomas Flanagan Java Scientific Library

This class defines an object that represents a matrix of phasors [magnitude∠phase = magnitude.exp(j.phase)]. The instance variables are: It includes the methods needed for phasor matrix manipulations and for the solution of a set of phasor linear equations.
The Phasor constructor and the basic phasor methods may found in the Phasor class.

import directive: import flanagan.circuits.PhasorMatrix; Related classes


Constructors   public PhasorMatrix(int nrow, int ncol)
  public PhasorMatrix(int nrow, int ncol, Phasor const)
  public PhasorMatrix(Phasor[][] twoD)
  public PhasorMatrix(PhasorMatrix matrix)
Create Special
  public static PhasorMatrix identityMatrix(int nrow)
  public static PhasorMatrix scalarMatrix(int nrow, Phasor diagconst)
  public static PhasorMatrix diagonalMatrix(int nrow, Phasor[] diag)
Row Matrix   public static PhasorMatrix rowMatrix(Phasor[] oneDarray)
Column Matrix   public static PhasorMatrix columnMatrix(Phasor[] oneDarray)
Set values   public setTwoDarray(Phasor[][] twoD)
  public setElement(int i, int j, Phasor aa)
  public setElement(int i, int j, double magnitude, double phase)
  public setSubMatrix(int i, int j, Phasor[][] submat)
  public setSubMatrix(int i, int j, int k, int l, Phasor[][] submat)
  public setSubMatrix(int[] row, int[] col, Phasor[][] submat)
Get values   public int getNrow()
  public int getNcol()
  public Phasor[][] getArrayReference()
  public Phasor[][] getArrayCopy()
  public Phasor getElementReference(int i, int j)
  public Phasor getElementCopy(int i, int j)
  public PhasorMatrix getSubMatrix(int i, int j, int k, int l)
  public PhasorMatrix getSubMatrix(int[] row, int[] col)
  public int[] getIndexReference()
  public int[] getIndexCopy()
  public double getSwap()
Deep Copy   public PhasorMatrix copy()
  public Object clone()
  public static PhasorMatrix copy(PhasorMatrix aa)
Conversions   public static PhasorMatrix toPhasorRowMatrix(Phasor[] oneDarray)
  public static PhasorMatrix toPhasorRowMatrix(Complex[] oneDarray)
  public static PhasorMatrix toPhasorRowMatrix(double[] oneDarray)
  public static PhasorMatrix toPhasorColumnMatrix(Phasor[] oneDarray)
  public static PhasorMatrix toPhasorColumnMatrix(Complex[] oneDarray)
  public static PhasorMatrix toPhasorColumnMatrix(double[] oneDarray)
  public static PhasorMatrix toPhasorMatrix(ComplexMatrix cc)
  public static PhasorMatrix toPhasorMatrix(Complex[][] carray)
  public static PhasorMatrix toPhasorMatrix(Matrix marray)
  public static PhasorMatrix toPhasorMatrix(double[][] darray)
  public ComplexMatrix toComplexMatrix()
  public static ComplexMatrix toComplexMatrix(PhasorMatrix pp)
Addition   public PhasorMatrix plus(PhasorMatrix bb)
  public PhasorMatrix plus(Phasor[][] bb)
  public PhasorMatrix plus(ComplexMatrix bb)
  public PhasorMatrix plus(Complex[][] bb)
  public PhasorMatrix plus(Matrix bb)
  public PhasorMatrix plus(double[][] bb)
  public void plusEquals(PhasorMatrix bb)
  public void plusEquals(Phasor[][] bb)
  public void plusEquals(ComplexMatrix bb)
  public void plusEquals(Complex[][] bb)
  public void plusEquals(Matrix bb)
  public void plusEquals(double[][] bb)
Subtraction   public PhasorMatrix minus(PhasorMatrix bb)
  public PhasorMatrix minus(Phasor[][] bb)
  public PhasorMatrix minus(ComplexMatrix bb)
  public PhasorMatrix minus(Complex[][] bb)
  public PhasorMatrix minus(Matrix bb)
  public PhasorMatrix minus(double[][] bb)
  public void minusEquals(PhasorMatrix bb)
  public void minusEquals(Phasor[][] bb)
  public void minusEquals(ComplexMatrix bb)
  public void minusEquals(Complex[][] bb)
  public void minusEquals(Matrix bb)
  public void minusEquals(double[][] bb)
Multiplication   public PhasorMatrix times(PhasorMatrix bb)
  public PhasorMatrix times(Phasor[][] bb)
  public PhasorMatrix times(ComplexMatrix bb)
  public PhasorMatrix times(Complex[][] bb)
  public PhasorMatrix times(Matrix bb)
  public PhasorMatrix times(double[][] bb)
  public PhasorMatrix times(Phasor bb)
  public PhasorMatrix times(Complex bb)
  public PhasorMatrix times(double bb)
  public PhasorMatrix times(int bb)
  public void timesEquals(PhasorMatrix bb)
  public void timesEquals(Phasor[][] bb)
  public void timesEquals(ComplexMatrix bb)
  public void timesEquals(Complex[][] bb)
  public void timesEquals(Matrix bb)
  public void timesEquals(double[][] bb)
  public void timesEquals(Phasor bb)
  public void timesEquals(Complex bb)
  public void timesEquals(double bb)
  public void timesEquals(int bb)
Division   public PhasorMatrix over(PhasorMatrix bb)
  public PhasorMatrix over(Phasor[][] bb)
  public PhasorMatrix over(ComplexMatrix bb)
  public PhasorMatrix over(Complex[][] bb)
  public PhasorMatrix over(Matrix bb)
  public PhasorMatrix over(double[][] bb)
  public void overEquals(PhasorMatrix bb)
  public void overEquals(Phasor[][] bb)
  public void overEquals(ComplexMatrix bb)
  public void overEquals(Complex[][] bb)
  public void overEquals(Matrix bb)
  public void overEquals(double[][] bb)
Inverse   public PhasorMatrix inverse()
Transpose   public PhasorMatrix transpose()
Conjugate   public PhasorMatrix conjugate()
Adjoin   public PhasorMatrix adjoin()
Opposite   public PhasorMatrix opposite()
LU Decompostion   public PhasorMatrix luDecomp()
  public Phasor luBackSub(Phasor[] bvec)
Linear Equation
  public Phasor[] solveLinearSet(Phasor[]bvec)
Trace   public Phasor trace()
Determinant   public Phasor determinant()
  public Phasor logDeterminant()
Norms   public double frobeniusNorm ()
  public double oneNorm ()
  public double infinityNorm ()


public PhasorMatrix(int nrow, int ncol)
Usage:                      PhasorMatrix aa = new PhasorMatrix(nrow, ncol);
This creates a new instance of PhasorMatrix, aa, with a a nrow x ncol matrix of phasor variables and initialises all the magintudes to unity and all the phases to zero.

public PhasorMatrix(int nrow, int ncol, Phasor const)
Usage:                      PhasorMatrix aa = new PhasorMatrix(nrow, ncol, const);
This creates a new instance of PhasorMatrix, aa, with a a nrow x ncol matrix of phasor variables and initialises all the matrix elements to the phasor const.

public PhasorMatrix(Phasor[][] twoD)
Usage:                      PhasorMatrix aa = new PhasorMatrix(twoD);
This creates a new instance of PhasorMatrix, aa, with a matrix that is a reference (pointer) to the Phasor two dimensional array, twoD.
See also setTwoDarray() and copy()

public PhasorMatrix(PhasorMatrix bb)
public setElement(int i, int j, double magnitude, double phaseRad)
Usage:                      PhasorMatrix aa = new PhasorMatrix(bb);
This creates a new instance of PhasorMatrix, aa, with a matrix that is a reference (pointer) to the matrix in the existing Phasor Matrix instance bb.
See also setTwoDarray() and copy()


public static PhasorMatrix.identityMatrix(int nrow)
Usage:                      aa = PhasorMatrix identityMatrix(n);
Creates an n x n phasor identity matrix (unit matrix) [all diagonal elements = 1∠0, all off-diagonal elements = 0∠0].

public static PhasorMatrix.scalarMatrix(int nrow, Phasor diagconst)
Usage:                      aa = PhasorMatrix scalarMatrix(n, diagconst);
Creates an n x n phasor scalar matrix [all diagonal elements = the same phasor (diagconst), all off-diagonal elements = 0∠0].

public static PhasorMatrix diagonalMatrix(int nrow, Phasor[] diag)
Usage:                      aa = PhasorMatrix.diagonalMatrix(n, diag);
Creates an n x n phasor diagonal matrix with the diagonal elements = the phasor array, diag, and all off-diagonal elements = 0∠0.

public static PhasorMatrix rowMatrix(Phasor[] oneDarray)
Usage:                      aa = PhasorMatrix.rowMatrix(oneDarray);
Converts a one dimensional array, oneDarray of Phasor into a row matrix of the type PhasorMatrix.

public static PhasorMatrix columnMatrix(Phasor[] oneDarray)
Usage:                      aa = PhasorMatrix.columnMatrix(oneDarray);
Converts a one dimensional array, oneDarray of Phasor into a column matrix of the type PhasorMatrix.

public setTwoDarray(Phasor[][] twoD)
Usage:                      aa.setTwoDarrayl(dd);
Sets the matrix of aa with a copy of an existing nrow x ncol 2-D matrix of phasor variables, dd.

public setElement(int i, int j, Phasor aa)
public setElement(int i, int j, double magnitude, double phase)
Usage:                      aa.setElement(i, j, bb);
Sets the internal 2D array element, of matrix of aa, matrix[i][j], to a copy of the value of the Phasor() bb.
Usage:                      aa.setElement(i, j, x, y);
Sets the magintude of the internal 2D array element matrix[i][j] of matrix of aa, matrix[i][j].magnitude to x and the phase, matrix[i][j].phase, to y.

public setSubMatrix(int i, int j, Phasor[][] submat)
Usage:                      aa.setSubmatrix(i, j, submat);
Sets a sub-matrix starting with column index i, row index j to a copy of the 2D phasor array submat.

public setSubMatrix(int i, int j, int k, int l, Phasor[][] submat)
Usage:                      aa.setSubmatrix(i, j, k, l, submat);
Sets a sub-matrix starting with column index i, row index j and ending with column index k, row index l to a copy of the 2D phasor array submat. Method above does the same more conveniently. This method retained for backward compatibity.

public setSubMatrix(int[] row, int[] col, Phasor[][] submat)
Usage:                      aa.setSubMatrix(row, col, submat);
Sets a sub-matrix defined by an array of row indices, row, and an array of column indices, col, to a copy of the 2D phasor array submat

public int getNrow()
Usage:                      nrow = aa.getNrow();
Returns the number of rows.

public int getNcol()
Usage:                      ncol = aa.getNcol();
Returns the number of columns.

public Phasor[][] getArrayReference()
Usage:                      xx = aa.getArrayReference();
Returns a reference (pointer) to the internal 2D array, matrix.

public Phasor[][] getArrayCopy()
Usage:                      xx = aa.getArrayReference();
Returns a copy of the internal 2D array, matrix.

public Phasor getElementReference(int i, int j)
Usage:                      xx = aa.getElementReference();
Returns a reference (pointer) to the internal 2D array element, matrix[i][j].

public Phasor getElementCopy(int i, int j)
Usage:                      xx = aa.getElementCopy();
Returns a copy of the internal 2D array element, matrix[i][j].

public PhasorMatrix getSubMatrix(int i, int j, int k, int l)
public PhasorMatrix getSubMatrix(int[] row, int[] col)
Usage:                      xx = aa.getSubMatrix(i, j, k, l);
Return a copy of the sub-matrix starting with column index i, row index j and ending with column index k, row index l.
Usage:                      xx = aa.getSubMatrix(row, col);
Return a copy of the sub-matrix defined by the array of row indices, row, and the array of column indices, col.

public int[] getIndexReference()
Usage:                      xx = aa.getIndexReference();
Returns a reference (pointer) to the internal permutation array index.

public int[] getIndexCopy()
Usage:                      xx = aa.getIndexCopy();
Returns a copy of the internal permutation array index.

public int[] getSwap()
Usage:                      x = aa.getSwap();
Returns the odd/even swap index, swap.

COPY PhasorMatrix
public PhasorMatrix copy()
public Object clone()
public static PhasorMatrix copy(PhasorMatrix aa)
Usage:                      bb = aa.copy();
Usage:                      bb = PhasorMatrix.copy(aa);
A deep copy of the PhasorMatrix instance, aa, is returned.

Clone PhasorMatrix
Usage:                      bb = (PhasorMatrix) aa.clone();
A deep copy of the PhasorMatrix instance, aa, is returned. This method overrides java.lang.Object.clone().

Row Matrices
public static PhasorMatrix toPhasorRowMatrix(Phasor[] oneDarray)
public static PhasorMatrix toPhasorRowMatrix(Complex[] oneDarray)
public static PhasorMatrix toPhasorRowMatrix(double[] oneDarray)
Usage:                      PhasorMatrix aa = PhasorMatrix.toPhasorRowMatrix(oneDarray);
Converts a one dimensional array into a row matrix of phasors of the type PhasorMatrix. The argument, oneDarray, may be a 1-D array of Phasor, Complex or doubles.

Column Matrices
public static PhasorMatrix toPhasorColumnMatrix(Phasor[] oneDarray)
public static PhasorMatrix toPhasorColumnMatrix(Complex[] oneDarray)
public static PhasorMatrix toPhasorColumnMatrix(double[] oneDarray)
Usage:                      PhasorMatrix aa = PhasorMatrix.toPhasorColumnMatrix(oneDarray);
Converts a one dimensional array into a column matrix of phasors of the type PhasorMatrix. The argument, oneDarray, may be a 1-D array of Phasor, Complex or doubles.

Complex Matrix to Phasor Matrix
public static PhasorMatrix toPhasorMatrix(ComplexMatrix cc)
public static PhasorMatrix toPhasorMatrix(Complex[][] carray)
Usage:                      PhasorMatrix aa = PhasorMatrix.toPhasorMatrix(bb);
Converts the argument bb to a PhasorMatrix. The argument, bb, may be ComplexMatrix or a 2-D array of Complex.

Real Matrix to Phasor Matrix
public static PhasorMatrix toPhasorMatrix(Matrix marray)
public static PhasorMatrix toPhasorMatrix(double[][] darray)
Usage:                      PhasorMatrix aa = PhasorMatrix.toPhasorMatrix(bb);
Converts the argument bb to a PhasorMatrix. The argument, bb, may be Matrix or a 2-D array of doubles.

Phasor Matrix to Complex Matrix
public ComplexMatrix toComplexMatrix()
public static ComplexMatrix toComplexMatrix(PhasorMatrix pp)
Usage:                      ComplexMatrix aa = bb.toComplex();
Usage:                      ComplexMatrix aa = PhasorMatrix.toComplex(bb);
Converts a PhasorMatrix (argument bb) to a ComplexMatrix, aa.

public PhasorMatrix plus(PhasorMatrix bb)
public PhasorMatrix plus(Phasor[][] bb)
public PhasorMatrix plus(ComplexMatrix bb)
public PhasorMatrix plus(Complex[][] bb)
public PhasorMatrix plus(Matrix bb)
public PhasorMatrix plus(double[][] bb)
Usage:                      cc = aa.plus(bb);
Performs the operation cc = aa + bb where aa and cc are PhasorMatrix and bb may be a PhasorMatrix, a complex matrix (ComplexMatrix), a real matrix (Matrix), a 2-D Phasor array, a 2-D array of Complex or a 2-D array of doubles.

Equivalence of the += operator
public void plusEquals(PhasorMatrix bb)
public void plusEquals(Phasor[][] bb)
public void plusEquals(ComplexMatrix bb)
public void plusEquals(Complex[][] bb)
public void plusEquals(Matrix bb)
public void plusEquals(double[][] bb)
Usage:                      aa.plusEquals(bb);
Performs the operation aa = aa + bb where aa is a PhasorMatrix and bb may be a PhasorMatrix, a complex matrix (ComplexMatrix), a real matrix (Matrix), a 2-D Phasor array, a 2-D array of Complex or a 2-D array of doubles.

public PhasorMatrix minus(PhasorMatrix bb)
public PhasorMatrix minus(Phasor[][] bb)
public PhasorMatrix minus(ComplexMatrix bb)
public PhasorMatrix minus(Complex[][] bb)
public PhasorMatrix minus(Matrix bb)
public PhasorMatrix minus(double[][] bb)
public static PhasorMatrix minus(PhasorMatrix aa, PhasorMatrix bb)
Usage:                      cc = aa.minus(bb);
Performs the operation cc = aa - bb where aa and cc are PhasorMatrix and bb may be PhasorMatrix, a real Matrix, a 2-D Phasor array or a 2-D array of doubles.

Equivalence of the −= operator
public void minusEquals(PhasorMatrix bb)
public void minusEquals(Phasor[][] bb)
public void minusEquals(ComplexMatrix bb)
public void minusEquals(Complex[][] bb)
public void minusEquals(Matrix bb)
public void minusEquals(double[][] bb)
Usage:                      aa.plusEquals(bb);
Performs the operation aa = aa - bb where aa is a PhasorMatrix and bb may be a PhasorMatrix, a complex matrix (ComplexMatrix), a real matrix (Matrix), a 2-D Phasor array, a 2-D array of Complex or a 2-D array of doubles.

public PhasorMatrix times(PhasorMatrix bb)
public PhasorMatrix times(Phasor[][] bb)
public PhasorMatrix times(ComplexMatrix bb)
public PhasorMatrix times(Complex[][] bb)
public PhasorMatrix times(Matrix bb)
public PhasorMatrix times(double[][] bb)
public PhasorMatrix times(Phasor bb)
public PhasorMatrix times(Complex bb)
public PhasorMatrix times(double bb)
public PhasorMatrix times(int bb)
Usage:                      cc = aa.times(bb);
Performs the operation cc = aa*bb where aa and cc are PhasorMatrix and bb may be a PhasorMatrix, a complex matrix (ComplexMatrix), a real matrix (Matrix), a 2-D Phasor array, a 2-D array of Complex, a 2-D array of doubles, a single Phasor, a single Complex, a single double or a single integer (int).

Equivalence of the *= operator
public void timesEquals(PhasorMatrix bb)
public void timesEquals(Phasor[][] bb)
public void timesEquals(ComplexMatrix bb)
public void timesEquals(Complex[][] bb)
public void timesEquals(Matrix bb)
public void timesEquals(double[][] bb)
public void timesEquals(Phasor bb)
public void timesEquals(Complex bb)
public void timesEquals(double bb)
public void timesEquals(int bb)
Usage:                      aa.plusEquals(bb);
Performs the operation aa = aa*bb where aa is a PhasorMatrix and bb may be a PhasorMatrix, a complex matrix (ComplexMatrix), a real matrix (Matrix), a 2-D Phasor array, a 2-D array of Complex, a 2-D array of doubles, a single Phasor, a single Complex, a single double or a single integer (int).

public PhasorMatrix over(PhasorMatrix bb)
public PhasorMatrix over(Phasor[][] bb)
public PhasorMatrix over(ComplexMatrix bb)
public PhasorMatrix over(Complex[][] bb)
public PhasorMatrix over(Matrix bb)
public PhasorMatrix over(double[][] bb)
Usage:                      cc = aa.over(bb);
Performs the operation cc = aa/bb where aa and cc are PhasorMatrix and bb may be PhasorMatrix, a ComplexMatrix, a real Matrix, a 2-D Phasor array or a 2-D array of doubles. This method first converts bb to a PhasorMatrix and returns the product of the PhasorMatrix aa and the inverse of the PhasorMatrix transform of bb.

Equivalence of the /= operator
public void overEquals(PhasorMatrix bb)
public void overEquals(Phasor[][] bb)
public void overEquals(ComplexMatrix bb)
public void overEquals(Complex[][] bb)
public void overEquals(Matrix bb)
public void overEquals(double[][] bb)
Usage:                      aa.plusEquals(bb);
Performs the operation aa = aa/bb where aa is a PhasorMatrix and bb may be a PhasorMatrix, a complex matrix (ComplexMatrix), a real matrix (Matrix), a 2-D Phasor array, a 2-D array of Complex or a 2-D array of doubles This method first converts bb to a PhasorMatrix and returns the product of the PhasorMatrix aa and the inverse of the PhasorMatrix transform of bb.

public PhasorMatrix inverse()
Usage:                      bb = aa.inverse();
Returns the inverse of a phasor square matrix, aa.

public PhasorMatrix transpose()
Usage:                      bb = aa.transpose();
Returns the transpose of a phasor square matrix, aa.

public PhasorMatrix conjugatr()
Usage:                      bb = aa.conjugate();
Returns the phasor conjugate matrix of a phasor matrix, aa.

public PhasorMatrix adjoin()
Usage:                      bb = aa.adjoin();
Returns the adjoin of a phasor matrix, aa.

public PhasorMatrix opposite()
Usage:                      bb = aa.opposite();
Returns the opposite of a phasor matrix, aa.

public PhasorMatrix luDecomp()
Usage:                      lu = aa.luDecomp();
Returns the phasor LU decomposition of a phasor matrix, aa.
See Numerical Recipes, The Art of Scientific Computing by W H Press, S A Teukolsky, W T Vetterling & B P Flannery, Cambridge University Press, http://www.nr.com/, for details of the LU decomposition. This method mimics their C language function for real numbers.
int[] index stores of row permutations.
double dswap is assigned +1.0 for even number of row interchanges or -1.0 for odd number of row interchanges.

public Phasor luBackSub(Phasor[] bvec)
Usage:                      xx = lu.luDecomp(bb);
The forward and backward substitution procedure associated with the phasor LU decompostion when used to solves the linear set of phasor equations A.x = b. luBackSub actually solves L.x = b where L is the phasor LU decompostion of A (lu above) obtained from luDecomp(), b is bb above and x is bb above. See solveLinearSet() for its use in solving the equations A.x = b.

public Phasor solveLinearSet(Phasor[] b)
Usage:                      x = a.solveLinearSet(b);
Solves the linear set of phasor equations A.x = b where A is the matrix of phasor coefficients, b is the right-hand side phasor vector and x is the phasor vector of solution values. This method uses an LU decomposition [luDecomp() and luBackSub() - see above].

public Phasor trace()
Usage:                      b = aa.trace();

public Phasor determinant()
Usage:                      b = aa.determinant();
Returns the determinant of a phasor square matrix, aa.

public Phasor logDeterminant()
Usage:                      b = aa.logDeterminant();
Returns the natural logarithm of the determinant of a phasor square matrix, aa. Useful if determinant() underflows or overflows.

public double frobeniusNorm ()
Usage:                      b = aa.frobeniusNorm();
Returns the Frobenius Norm (Euclidian Norm) of a phasor matrix, aa.

public double oneNorm ()
Usage:                      b = aa.oneNorm();
Returns the One Norm of a phasor matrix, aa.

public double infinityNorm ()
Usage:                      b = aa.infinityNorm();
Returns the Infinity Norm of a phasor matrix, aa.


This class uses the following classes in this library:

This page was prepared by Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan