
- PI, “Fluid
antenna systems for 6G wireless communications: Implementation, system optimisation and theoretical analysis”, Standard Grant, awarded
£1,326,425, 09/2022-08/2026, EPSRC (The Co-Is include Prof Kenneth Tong from EEE and Dr
Volpe Giorgio from Department of Chemistry)
- PI, “6G Metasurfaces: Signal processing and
wireless communications by coding on metamaterials”, Standard Grant, awarded
£933,826, 06/2021-05/2025, EPSRC
- Host for Dr Hao Xu,
“IRS-THz”, H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Standard European Fellowships (EF-ST), awarded
€212,933 (£170,347) from ERC, 06/2021-05/2023, SEP-210703679 (The second host is Prof. Giuseppe Caire from
Technical University of Berlin (TUB), Germany)
- PI,
“AI for fluid MIMO systems”, EPSRC Industrial CASE Doctoral Research Studentship, awarded £124,885
(£88,885 from EPSRC and £36,000 from BT), 10/2021-09/2026, EPSRC-BT (The PI in BT is Dr Adrian Sharples (special thanks to Dr Arman Shojaeifard))
- UCL PI, “Learning based security of cyber-physical systems”, UCL-IITD Strategic Partner Fund 2020, awarded
£10,000 (£5000 to UCL), 2020-2021, UCL-IITD Strategic Partner Fund 2020 (The PI for IITD is Dr Arpan Chattopadhyay)
- Co-I, “Integration of 1,000 cores for high-performance computing using digital surface wave (DSW)”, Cisco Systems Inc Default Scheme, awarded
£75,455, 01/2020-01/2021, Cisco Systems Inc (The PI is Dr Kenneth Tong)
- PI, “6G Mitola radio: Cognitive brain that has collective intelligence”, Standard Grant, awarded
£470,568, 05/2020-04/2023, EPSRC
- Co-I, “Making deep learning and AI skills mainstream in India to fulfil trilateral needs of entrepreneurship, Industry academia partnership and application-inspired Engineering Research”, UK-India Industry Academia Partnership Programme, awarded
£50,000, 04/2018-04/2020, Royal Academy of Engineering (PI is Prof Deepak Garg from Bennett University, India and other Co-I is Prof Gheorghita Ghinea from Brunel University)
- Co-I, “Exploiting interference for physical layer security in 5G networks [CI-PHY] (EPSRC-FNR)”, Standard Grant, awarded
£626,096, 02/2018-03/2021, EPSRC (PI is Prof C Masouros)
- PI,
“Modelling, analysis and optimisation of ultra-dense networks in future smart cities”, EPSRC Industrial CASE Doctoral Research Studentship, awarded
£68,567 from EPSRC and £34,283 from Toshiba TRL, 12/2016-12/2020, EPSRC-Toshiba TRL (The PI in Toshiba TRL is Dr Zubeir Bocus (special thanks to Dr Zhong Fan))
- Lead-PI, “Unlocking Potentials of MIMO Full-duplex Radios for Heterogeneous Networks (UPFRONT)”, Standard Grant, awarded £918,238 (UCL Share: £310,420), 02/2016-01/2019, EPSRC (UCL is the lead and Co-PI is Dr. Zheng, Essex and Co-I is Prof. Mirshekar, Essex)
- Lead-PI, “Massive MIMO wireless networks: Theory and methods”, Standard Grant, awarded £884,805 (UCL Share: £302,791), 04/2015-03/2018, EPSRC (UCL is the lead and Co-PIs include Prof. Nallanathan, King's and Prof. Lambotharan, Loughborough, and Co-Is are Prof. Aghvami, King's and Prof. Chambers, Newcastle)
- PI, “RC3: Robust cognitive cooperative communications”, Standard Grant, awarded
£315,750, 07/2013-06/2016, EPSRC
- PI,
“Cognitive communications: Self-optimising interference alignment for
opportunistic spectrum access”, EPSRC Industrial CASE Doctoral Research
Studentship, awarded
£67,443 from EPSRC and £30,000 from BT, 09/2013-08/2017, EPSRC-BT (The PI in BT is Dr Michael Fitch)
- PI, “Cooperative localisation: Distributed optimisation with hypothesis testing”, Standard Grant (DSTL-EPSRC in Signal Processing), awarded
£117,268, 09/2010-08/2013, EPSRC
- PI, “High-performance MIMO transceiver design for single
and multiuser wireless communications”, Standard Grant, awarded
£589,081, 09/2007-08/2010, EPSRC
- PI, “Adaptive space and frequency modulations for
high-quality high-speed wireless LANs”, Standard Grant, awarded
£217,967, 09/2006-08/2009, EPSRC
- PI, “Optimization of wireless multimedia networks with MIMO
antennas: A cross-layer approach”, First Grant, awarded
£109,481, 09/2006-08/2009, EPSRC
- PI, “Single and
multiuser MIMO maximum-likelihood receivers: From underloaded to overloaded array processing”, awarded HK$662,537,
10/2004-09/2007, CERG award, Hong
Kong RGC
- PI, “Adaptive
orthogonal space and frequency division multiplexing for wireless local
area networks”, awarded HK$565,723, 10/2003-09/2006, CERG
award, Hong Kong RGC
- PI, “Adaptive
resource allocation for multiuser OFDM with smart antennas”,
Seed Funding for Basic Research, awarded HK$117,000,
02/2002-01/2003, U of Hong Kong
- PI, “Overloaded
array processing”, Seed Funding for Basic Research, awarded
HK$117,000, 01/2003-12/2003, U
of Hong Kong
This page was last modified 19 August, 2015 by [Kit
