Michael Thomas Flanagan's Java Scientific Library
Impedance Class
Last update: 15 July 2007
This class provides methods:
for calculating the impedances of the following circuit components,
- Resistor [complex impedance: R + j0]
- Inductor [complex impedance: 0 + jLω]
- Warburg Impedance (infinite diffusion layer thickness)
[complex impedance: σ/ω0.5 − jσ/ω0.5]
- and of a range of the 44 model circuits
- Capacitor  [complex impedance: 0 − j/Cω]
- Constant Phase Element [complex impedance: σ(jω)−α]
- Warburg Impedance (finite diffusion layer thickness)
[complex impedance: σ/ω0.5(1 − j)tanh[δ(jω)0.5]]
for obtaining the impedances of
- pairs of impedances in series
- pairs of impedances in parallel
for calculating
- the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor
- the capacitance of parallel wires
- the capacitance of coaxial cylinders
- the coefficicient, σ, of a Warburg impedance
- the inductance of a parallel plates
- the inductance of parallel wires
- the inductance of coaxial cylinders
for obtaining the resistances of wires or plates of
- aluminium
- antimony
- brass
- cobalt
- constantan
- copper - annealed
- copper - hard drawn
- German silver
- gold
- iron
- lead
- magnesium
- managanin
- mercury
- molybdenum - drawn
- Monel metal
- Nichrome
- nickel
- palladium
- phosphor bronze
- platinum
- silver
- steel: B B
- steel: E B B
- steel: manganese
- steel: Siemens-Martin
- tantalum
- Therlo
- tin
- tungsten - drawn
- zinc
and for interconverting resistance and resistivity.
The symbol, j, is used on this page to represent the square root of minus one.
This class is used by the classes ImpedSpecSimulation and ImpedSpecRegression and the interface, ImpedSpecModel.
import statement:
import flanagan.circuits.Impedance;
Related classes
Resistor impedance
public static Complex resistanceImpedance(double resistorValue)
Capacitor impedance
public static Complex capacitanceImpedance(double capacitorValue, double omega)
Inductor impedance
public static Complex inductanceImpedance(double inductorValue, double omega)
'Infinite' Warburg impedance
public static Complex infiniteWarburgImpedance(double sigma, double omega)
'Finite' Warburg impedance
public static Complex finiteWarburgImpedance(double sigma, double delta, double omega)
Constant phase element impedance
public static Complex constantPhaseElementImpedance(double sigma, double alpha, double omega)
Precompiled model circuit impedance
public static Complex
modelImpedance(double[] parameters, double omega, int modelNumber)
Impedances in series
public static Complex
impedanceInSeries(Complex impedance1, Complex impedance2)
public static Complex
impedanceInSeries(double impedance1, Complex impedance2)
public static Complex
impedanceInSeries(Complex impedance1, double impedance2)
public static Complex
impedanceInSeries(double impedance1, double impedance2)
public static Complex
rInSeriesWithC(double resistorValue, double capacitorValue, double omega)
public static Complex
rInSeriesWithL(double resistorValue, double inductorValue, double omega)
public static Complex
cInSeriesWithL(double capacitorValue, double inductorValue, double omega)
Impedances in parallel
public static Complex
impedanceInParallel(Complex impedance1, Complex impedance2)
public static Complex
impedanceInParallel(double impedance1, Complex impedance2)
public static Complex
impedanceInParallel(Complex impedance1, double impedance2)
public static Complex
impedanceInParallel(double impedance1, double impedance2)
public static Complex
rInParallelWithC(double resistorValue, double capacitorValue, double omega)
public static Complex
rInParallelWithL(double resistorValue, double inductorValue, double omega)
public static Complex
cInParallelWithL(double capacitorValue, double inductorValue, double omega)
List of precompiled model circuit components
public static String[ ]
modelComponents(int modelNumber)
Warburg coefficient, σ
public static double
warburgSigma(double electrodeArea, double oxidantDiffCoeff, double reductantDiffCoeff, double oxidantConcn, double reductantConcn, int electronsTransferred)
Parallel plate capacitance
public static double
parallelPlateCapacitance(double plateArea, double plateSeparation, double relativePermittivity)
public static double
parallelPlateCapacitance(double plateLength, double plateWidth, double plateSeparation, double relativePermittivity)
Coaxial cylinders - capacitance
public static double
coaxialCapacitance(double cylinderLength, double innerRadius, double outerRadius, double relativePermittivity)
Parallel wires - capacitance
public static double
parallelWiresCapacitance(double wireLength, double wireRadius, double wireSeparation, double relativePermittivity)
Parallel plates - inductance
public static double parallelPlateInductance(double plateLength, double plateWidth, double plateSeparation, double relativePermeability)
Coaxial cylinders - inductance
public static double
coaxialInductance(double cylinderLength, double innerRadius, double outerRadius, double relativePermbeability)
Parallel wires - inductance
public static double
parallelWiresInductance(double wireLength, double wireRadius, double wireSeparation, double relativePermbeability)
Magnitudes and phases
public static double
getMagnitude(Complex variable)
public static double
getPhaseRad(Complex variable)
public static double
getPhaseDeg(Complex variable)
public static Complex
polarRad(double magnitude, double phaseRad)
public static Complex
polarDeg(double magnitude, double phaseDeg)
public static double frequencyToRadialFrequency(double frequency) |
public static double radialFrequencyToFrequency(double radial) |
Resistance of metals and alloys
public static double
resistanceAluminium(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceAluminum(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceAntimony(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceBrass(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceCobalt(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceConstantin(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceAnnealedCopper(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceHardDrawnCopper(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceGermanSilver(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceGold(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceIron(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceLead(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceMagnesium(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceManganin(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceMercury(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceMolybdenum(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceMonelMetal(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceNichrome(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceNickel(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistancePalladium(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistancePhosphorBronze(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistancePlatinum(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceSilver(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceBBSteel(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceEBBSteel(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceManganeseSteel(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceSiemensMartinSteel(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceTantalum(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceTherlo(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceTin(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceTungsten(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceZinc(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistivityToResistance(double rho, double length, double area)
public static double
resistivityToResistance(double rho, double alpha, double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceToResistivity((double resistance, double length, double area)
All the methods in this class are static
Resistor impedance
public static Complex resistanceImpedance(double resistorValue)
imped = Impedance.resistanceImpedance(resistorValue);
Returns the impedance, Z, of a resistor, R [resitorValue entered in ohms], as a complex impedance:
Z = R + j0
Capacitor impedance
public static Complex capacitanceImpedance(double capacitorValue, double omega)
imped = Impedance.capacitanceImpedance(capacitorValue, omega);
Returns the complex impedance, Z, of a capacitor, C [CapacitorValue entered in farads] at a radial frequency ω [omega]:
Z = 0 − j/Cω
Inductor impedance
public static Complex inductanceImpedance(double inductorValue, double omega)
imped = Impedance.inductanceImpedance(inductorValue, omega);
Returns the complex impedance, Z, of a inductor, L [inductorValue entered in henries] at a radial frequency ω [omega]:
Z = 0 + jLω
'Infinite' Warburg impedance
public static Complex infiniteWarburgImpedance(double sigma, double omega)
imped = Impedance.infiniteWarburgImpedance(sigma, omega);
Returns the Warburg impedance, Z, for an infinite diffusion layer and a constant, σ [sigma], at a radial frequency ω [omega]:
Z = σ/ω0.5 − jσ/ω0.5
See also Warburg coefficient, σ.
'Finite' Warburg impedance
public static Complex finiteWarburgImpedance(double sigma, double delta, double omega)
imped = Impedance.finiteWarburgImpedance(sigma, delta, omega);
Returns the Warburg impedance, Z, for a finite diffusion layer and constants, σ [sigma] and δ [delta], at a radial frequency ω [omega]:
Z = σ/ω0.5(1 − j)tanh[δ(jω)0.5]
The parameter, δ, equals d/D-0.5 where d is the diffusion layer thickness and D is the relevant diffusion coefficient. The full finite Warburg impedance is the series combination:
Zfull = σo/ω0.5(1 − j)tanh[δo(jω)0.5] + σr/ω0.5(1 − j)tanh[δr(jω)0.5]
where the subscripts refer to the oxidant and reductant species respectively.
Constant phase element impedance
public static Complex constantPhaseElementImpedance(double sigma, double alpha, double omega)
imped = Impedance.constantPhaseElementImpedance(sigma, alpha, omega);
Returns the impedance, Z, of a Constant Phase Element with constants, σ [sigma] and α [alpha], at a radial frequency ω [omega]:
Z = σ(jω)−α
Precompiled model circuit impedance
public static Complex
modelImpedance(double[] parameters, double omega, int modelNumber)
imped = Impedance.modelImpedance(sigma, alpha, omega);
Returns the complex impedance of a designated model chosen from the list of precompiled circuit models at a radial frequency ω [omega]. The model number is entered as the argument, modelNumber, and the circuit parameters must be entered through the argument parameters in the same order as the list of parameter symbols to be found after the model number in ImpedSpecCircuitModels.pdf
Impedances in series
public static Complex
impedanceInSeries(Complex impedance1, Complex impedance2)
public static Complex
impedanceInSeries(double impedance1, Complex impedance2)
public static Complex
impedanceInSeries(Complex impedance1, double impedance2)
public static Complex
impedanceInSeries(double impedance1, double impedance2)
imped = Impedance.impedanceInSeries(impedance1, impedance1);
Returns the complex impedance of a two impedances [arguments impedance1 and impedance2] in series. The impedances impedance1 and impedance2 may be complex or real (resistance).
public static Complex
rInSeriesWithC(double resistorValue, double capacitorValue, double omega)
imped = Impedance.rInSeriesWithC(resistorValue, capacitorValue, omega);
Returns the complex impedance, at a radial frequency ω [argument omega], of a resistor [argument resistorValue (ohms)] in series with a capacitor [argument resistorValue (farads)].
public static Complex
rInSeriesWithL(double resistorValue, double inductorValue, double omega)
imped = Impedance.rInSeriesWithL(resistorValue, inductorValue, omega);
Returns the complex impedance, at a radial frequency ω [argument omega], of a resistor [argument resistorValue (ohms)] in series with an inductor [argument inductorValue (henries)].
public static Complex
cInSeriesWithL(double capacitorValue, double inductorValue, double omega)
imped = Impedance.cInSeriesWithL(capacitorValue, inductorValue, omega);
Returns the complex impedance, at a radial frequency ω [argument omega], of a capacitor [argument capacitorValue (farads)] in series with an inductor [argument inductorValue (henries)].
Impedances in parallel
public static Complex
impedanceInParallel(Complex impedance1, Complex impedance2)
public static Complex
impedanceInParallel(double impedance1, Complex impedance2)
public static Complex
impedanceInParallel(Complex impedance1, double impedance2)
public static Complex
impedanceInParallel(double impedance1, double impedance2)
imped = Impedance.impedanceInParallel(impedance1, impedance1);
Returns the complex impedance of a two impedances [arguments impedance1 and impedance2] in parallel. The impedances impedance1 and impedance2 may be complex or real (resistance).
public static Complex
rInParallelWithC(double resistorValue, double capacitorValue, double omega)
imped = Impedance.rInParallelWithC(resistorValue, capacitorValue, omega);
imped = super.rInParallelWithC(resistorValue, capacitorValue, omega);
Returns the complex impedance, at a radial frequency ω [argument omega], of a resistor [argument resistorValue (ohms)] in parallel with an capacitor [argument capacitorValue (farads)].
public static Complex
rInParallelWithL(double resistorValue, double inductorValue, double omega)
imped = Impedance.rInParallelWithL(resistorValue, inductorValue, omega);
Returns the complex impedance, at a radial frequency ω [argument omega], of a resistor [argument resistorValue (ohms)] in parallel with an inductor [argument inductorValue (henries)].
public static Complex
cInParallelWithL(double capacitorValue, double inductorValue, double omega)
imped = Impedance.cInParallelWithL(capacitorValue, inductorValue, omega);
Returns the complex impedance, at a radial frequency ω [argument omega], of a capacitor [argument capacitorValue (farads)] in parallel with an inductor [argument inductorValue (henries)].
List of precompiled model circuit components
public static String[ ] modelComponents(int modelNumber)
symbols = Impedance.modelComponents(modelNumber);
Returns an array of the parameter symbols, as listed in ImpedSpecCircuitModels.pdf, for a circuit selected from the range of precompiled circuit models. The model number is entered via the argument modelNumber.
Warburg Coefficient, σ
public static double
warburgSigma(double electrodeArea, double oxidantDiffCoeff, double reductantDiffCoeff, double oxidantConcn, double reductantConcn, int electronsTransferred)
cap = Impedance.warburgSigma(electrodeArea, oxidantDiffCoeff, reductantDiffCoeff, oxidantConcn, reductantConcn, electronsTransferred);
Returns the warburg coefficient, σ,
of elecrtode area, A square metres, [argument electrodeArea], oxidant diffusion coefficient, Do square metres per second, [argument oxidantDiffCoeff], reductant diffusion coefficient, Dr square metres per second, [argument reductantDiffCoeff], oxidant concentration at the electrode surface, C*o moles per cubic metre, [argument oxidantConcn], reductant concentration at the electrode surface, C*r moles per cubic metre, [argument reductantConcn] and the number of electrons transferred in the electrochemical reaction,
nr, [argument electronsTransferred].
Parallel Plate Capacitance
The plate area may be entered as an area or, additionally for rectangular plates, as a length and a width.
public static double parallelPlateCapacitance(double plateArea, double plateSeparation, double relativePermittivity)
cap = Impedance.parallelPlateCapacitance(plateArea, plateSeparation, relativePermittivity);
Returns the capacitance, C in farads,
C = Aεoεr/d
of a parallel plate capacitor of plate area, A square metres, [argument plateArea], plate separation d metres, [argument plateArea] and dielectric relative electrical permittivity,
εr [argument relativePermittivity]. See classes
Water for the relative permittivity of water. Plate edge effects are ignored.
public static double parallelPlateCapacitance(double plateLength, double plateWidth, double plateSeparation, double relativePermittivity)
cap = Impedance.parallelPlateCapacitance(plateLength, plateWidth, plateSeparation, relativePermittivity);
Returns the capacitance, C in farads,
C = lwεoεr/d
of a parallel plate capacitor of plate length, l metres, [argument plateLength], plate width, w metres, [argument plateWidth], plate separation d metres, [argument plateArea] and dielectric relative electrical permittivity,
εr [argument relativePermittivity]. See classes
Water for the relative permittivity of water. Plate edge effects are ignored.
Coaxial Cylinders - Capacitance
public static double
coaxialCapacitance(double cylinderLength, double innerRadius, double outerRadius, double relativePermittivity)
cap = Impedance.coaxialCapacitance(cylinderLength, innerRadius, outerRadius, relativePermittivity);
Returns the capacitance, C in farads, of two coaxial cylinders,
C = 2lπεoεr/ln(router/router)
where l is the length of the cylinders in metres [argument cylinderLength], rinner is the radius from the coaxial centre point to the outer surface of the inner cylinder in metres [argument innerRadius], router is the radius from the coaxial centre point to the inner surface of the outer cylinder in metres[argument outerRadius] and εr is relative electrical permittivity of the dielectric between the inner and outer cylinders
[argument relativePermittivity]. Cylinder end effects are ignored.
Parallel Wires - Capacitance
public static double
parallelWiresCapacitance(double wireLength, double wireRadius, double wireSeparation, double relativePermittivity)
cap = Impedance.parallelWiresCapacitance(wireLength, wireRadius, wireSeparation, relativePermittivity);
Returns the capacitance, C in farads, of two parallel wires,
C = lπεoεr/ln((d - r)/r)
where l is the length of the wires in metres [argument wireLength], r is the radius of the wires in metres [argument wiresRadius], d is the separation distance of the wires, measured from the centres of the wires, in metres [argument wireSeparation] and εr is relative electrical permittivity of the dielectric surrounding the wires [argument relativePermittivity]. It is assumed that the wires have identical radii and that the this radius is much smaller than the distance between the wires (no polarisation effects are considered) and wire end effects are ignored.
Parallel Plates - Inductance
public static double parallelPlateInductance(double plateLength, double plateWidth, double plateSeparation, double relativePermeability)
ind = Impedance.parallelPlateInductance(plateLength, plateWidth, plateSeparation, relativePermeability);
Returns the inductance, L in henries,
L = ldμoμr/w
of a parallel plates of plate length, l metres, [argument plateLength], plate width, w metres, [argument plateWidth], plate separation d metres, [argument plateArea] and μr is relative magnetic permeability of the material between the plates
[argument relativePermeability]. Plate edge effects are ignored.
Coaxial Cylinders - Inductance
public static double
coaxialInductance(double cylinderLength, double innerRadius, double outerRadius, double relativePermeability)
ind = Impedance.coaxialInductance(cylinderLength, innerRadius, outerRadius, relativePermeability);
Returns the capacitance, L in henrys, of two coaxial cylinders,
L = lμoμr
where l is the length of the cylinders in metres [argument cylinderLength], rinner is the radius from the coaxial centre point to the outer surface of the inner cylinder in metres [argument innerRadius], router is the radius from the coaxial centre point to the inner surface of the outer cylinder in metres[argument outerRadius] and μr is relative magnetic permeability of the material between the inner and outer cylinders
[argument relativePermeability]. Cylinder end effects are ignored.
Parallel Wires - Inductance
public static double
parallelWiresInductance(double wireLength, double wireRadius, double wireSeparation, double relativePermeability)
ind = Impedance.parallelWiresInductance(wireLength, wireRadius, wireSeparation, relativePermeability);
Returns the capacitance, L in henrys, of two parallel wires,
L = lμoμrln((d - r)/r)/π
where l is the length of the wires in metres [argument wireLength], r is the radius of the wires in metres [argument wiresRadius], d is the separation distance of the wires, measured from the centres of the wires, in metres [argument wireSeparation] and μr is relative magnetic permeability of the material surrounding the wires [argument relativePermeability]. It is assumed that the wires have identical radii and that the this radius is much smaller than the distance between the wires (no polarisation effects are considered) and wire end effects are ignored.
Magnitudes and phases
public static double
getMagnitude(Complex variable)
mag = Impedance.getMagnitude(complexVariable);
Returns the modulus, i.e. the magnitude, of a complex variable [complexVariable].
public static double
getPhaseRad(Complex variable)
phaseRadians = Impedance.getPhaseRad(complexVariable);
Returns the argument, i.e. the phase, in radians, of a complex variable [complexVariable].
public static double
getPhaseDeg(Complex variable)
phaseDegrees = Impedance.getPhaseDeg(complexVariable);
Returns the argument, i.e. the phase, in degrees, of a complex variable [complexVariable].
public static Complex
polarRad(double magnitude, double phaseRad)
complexVariable = Impedance.polarRad(magnitude, phaseRadians);
Converts the phasor of magnitude, magnitude, and phase in radians, phaseRadians, to the rectangular complex variable, complexVariable,
magnitude.cos(phaseRadians) + j.magnitude.sin(phaseRadians).
public static Complex
polarDeg(double magnitude, double phaseDeg)
complexVariable = Impedance.polarDeg(magnitude, phaseDegrees);
Converts the phasor of magnitude, magnitude, and phase in degrees, phaseDegrees, to the rectangular complex variable, complexVariable,
magnitude.cos(2.π.phaseDegrees/180) + j.magnitude.sin(2.π.phaseDegrees/180).
Frequency (Hz) to radial frequency
public static double frequencyToRadialFrequency(double freq) Usage:
radial =
Impedance.frequencyToRadialFrequency(freq); Converts the argument, freq, a frequency in Hz, to
the corresponding radial frequency and returns that value in radians per second.
Radial frequency to frequency
public static double radialfrequencyToFrequency(double rad)
freq =
Impedance.radialFrequencyToFrequency(rad); Converts the argument, rad, a radial frequency in radians per second, to
the corresponding frequency and returns that value in Hz.
Resistance of metals and alloys
The methods in this section all return the resistance of a wire or plate of the named metal or alloy given the length l [argument length] in metres, cross-sectional area A [argument area] in square metres and the temperature T [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius. The resistivity data [resistivity, ρ and the temperature coefficient, α] is taken from the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, Chemical Rubber Publishing Company, Cleveland, Ohio, 37th Edition, 1955. The resistance, R is calculated as
R = (ρ.l / A)[1 + α(T - T20)]
where T20 is 20 degrees celsius, the temperature at which ρ and α were determined. Thus the calculation will become less accurate the further the supplied temperature T is from 20 degrees Celsius.
public static double
resistanceAluminium(double length, double area, double tempC)
public static double
resistanceAluminum(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceAluminium(length, area, tempC);
resistance = Impedance.resistanceAluminum(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of aluminium (aluminum) of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
public static double
resistanceAntimony(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceAntimony(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of antimony of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
Brass - average value
public static double
resistanceBrass(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceBrass(length, area, tempC);
Returns the average resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of brass of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius. The resistivity, ρ, used in the calculation, 7.4 x 10−8, is the mean of a range of 6.4 x 10−8 to 8.4 x 10−8 ohms.metre.
public static double
resistanceCobalt(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceCobalt(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of cobalt of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
Constantan - 60% Cu, 40% Ni
public static double
resistanceConstantan(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceConstantan(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of constantan of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
Copper - annealed
public static double
resistanceAnnealedCopper(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceAnnealedCopper(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of annealed copper of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
Copper - hard drawn
public static double
resistanceHardDrawnCopper(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceAnnealedCopper(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire of hard drawn copper of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
German silver - 18% Ni
public static double
resistancegermanSilver(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistancegermanSilver(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of German silver of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
public static double
resistanceGold(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceGold(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of gold of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
Iron - 99.98%
public static double
resistanceIron(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceIron(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of iron of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
public static double
resistanceLead(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceLead(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of lead of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
public static double
resistanceMagnesium(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceMagnesium(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of magnesium of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
Manganin - 84% Cu, 12% Mn, 4% Ni
public static double
resistanceManganin(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceManganin(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of manganin of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
public static double
resistanceMercury(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceMercury(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a plug of mercury of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
public static double
resistanceMolybdenum(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceMolybdenum(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of molybdenum of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
Monel Metal
public static double
resistanceMonelMetal(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceMonelMetal(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of monel metal of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
public static double
resistanceNichrome(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceNichrome(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of Nichrome of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
public static double
resistanceNickel(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceNickel(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of nickel of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
public static double
resistancePalladium(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistancePalladium(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of palladium of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
Phosphor Bronze
public static double
resistancePhosphorBronze(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistancePhosphorBronze(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of phosphor bronze of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
public static double
resistancePlatinum(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistancePlatinum(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of platinum of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
public static double
resistanceSilver(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceSilver(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of silver of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
Steel - B B steel
public static double
resistanceBBSteel(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceBBSteel(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of B B steel of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
Steel - E B B steel
public static double
resistanceEBBSteel(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceEBBSteel(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of E B B steel of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
Steel - Manganese steel
public static double
resistanceManganeseSteel(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceManganeseSteel(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of manganese steel of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
Steel - Siemens-Martin steel
public static double
resistanceSiemensMartinSteel(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceSiemensMartinSteel(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of Siemens-Martin steel of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
public static double
resistanceTantalum(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceTantalum(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of tantalum of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
public static double
resistanceTherlo(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceTherlo(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of Therlo of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
public static double
resistanceTin(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceTin(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of tin of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
public static double
resistanceTungsten(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceTungsten(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of tungsten of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
public static double
resistanceZinc(double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistanceZinc(length, area, tempC);
Returns the resistance, in ohms, of a wire or plate of zinc of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres at a temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius.
Interconversion of resistance and resistivity
Resistivity to resistance
public static double
resistivityToResistance(double rho, double length, double area)
resistance = Impedance.resistivityToResistance(rho, length, area)
Returns the resistance of a block of material of resistivity [argument rho] in ohm.metre, and of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres.
public static double
resistivityToResistance(double rho, double alpha, double length, double area, double tempC)
resistance = Impedance.resistivityToResistance(rho, alpha, length, area, tempC)
Returns the resistance, at temperature [argument tempC] in degrees Celsius, of a block of material of resistivity [argument rho] in ohm.metre with a temperature coefficient [argument alpha] in reciprocal degrees Celsius determined at the same temperature as the resistivity, and of length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres.
Resistance to resistivity
public static double
resistanceToResistivity((double resistance, double length, double area)
resistivity = Impedance.resistanceToResistivity(resistance, length, area)
Returns the resistivity of a block of material of resistance [argument resistance] in ohms, measured for length [argument length] in metres and cross-sectional area [argument area] in square metres.
This class uses the following classes in this library:
This page was prepared by Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan