Constructors |
public Phasor() |
public Phasor(double magnitude, double phaseInDegrees) | |
public Phasor(double magnitude) | |
Set Values | public void setMagnitude(double magnitude) |
public void setPhaseInDegrees(double phaseInDegrees) | |
public void setPhaseInRadians(double phaseInradians) | |
public void reset(double magnitude, double phaseInDegrees) | |
public static void setFrequency(double frequency) | |
public static void setRadialFrequency(double omega) | |
Get Values |
public double getMagnitude() |
public double getPhaseInDegrees() | |
public double getPhaseInRadians() | |
public double getReal() | |
public double getImag() | |
public int hashCode() | |
public static double getFrequency() | |
public static double getRadialFrequency() | |
Input and Output | public static Phasor readPhasor(String prompt, Phasor default) |
public static Phasor readPhasor(String prompt, String default) | |
public static Phasor readPhasor(String prompt) | |
public static Phasor readPhasor() | |
public void print(String message) | |
public void print() | |
public void println(String message) | |
public void println() | |
public static void println(String message, Phasor ph[]) | |
public static void println(Phasor ph[]) | |
public static void print(String message, Phasor ph[]) | |
public static void print(Phasor ph[]) | |
Truncate mantissae to n places | public Phasor truncate(int n) |
public static Phasor truncate(Phasor x, int n) | |
Conversions | public static Phasor toPhasor(Complex cc) |
public Complex toRectangular() | |
public Complex toComplex() | |
public static Complex toRectangular(Phasor ph) | |
public static Complex toComplex(Phasor ph) | |
public VectorMaths toVectorMaths() | |
public static VectorMaths toVectorMaths(Phasor ph) | |
public String toString() | |
public static String toString(Phasor aa) | |
public static Phasor parsePhasor(String ss) | |
public static Phasor valueOf(String ss) | |
public int hashCode() | |
Modulus |
public double abs() |
Argument |
public double argInDegrees() |
public double argInRadians() | |
Conjugate |
public Phasor conjugate() |
Addition |
public Phasor plus(Phasor a) |
public Phasor plus(Complex a) | |
public void plusEquals(Phasor a ) | |
public void plusEquals(Complex a ) | |
Subtraction |
public Phasor minus(Phasor a) |
public Phasor minus(Complex a) | |
public void minusEquals(Phasor a ) | |
public void minusEquals(Complex a ) | |
Multiplication |
public Phasor times(Phasor a) |
public Phasor times(Complex a) | |
public Phasor timesExpOmegaTime(double omega, double time) | |
public Phasor timesExpTwoPiFreqTime(double frequency, double time) | |
public void timesEquals(Phasor a ) | |
public void timesEquals(Complex a ) | |
public void timesEqualsExpOmegaTime(double omega, double time) | |
public void timesEqualsExpTwoPiFreqTime(double frequency, double time) | |
Division |
public Phasor over(Phasor a) |
public Phasor over(Complex a) | |
public void overEquals(Phasor a ) | |
public void overEquals(Complex a ) | |
Reciprocal |
public Phasor inverse() |
Negation |
public Phasor negate() |
Exponential |
public static Phasor exp(Phasor aa) |
Logarithm |
public static Phasor log(Phasor aa ) |
Root |
public static Phasor sqrt(Phasor aa ) |
public static Phasor nthRoot(Phasor aa, int n
) | |
Power |
public static Phasor square(Phasor aa) |
public static Phasor pow(Phasor a, int b) | |
public static Phasor pow(Phasor a, double
b) | |
public static Phasor pow(Phasor a, Complex b) | |
public static Phasor pow(Phasor a, Phasor b) | |
Trigonometric Functions |
public static Phasor sin(Phasor aa ) |
public static Phasor asin(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor cos(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor acos(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor tan(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor atan(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor cot(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor acot(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor sec(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor asec(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor csc(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor acsc(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor exsec(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor aexsec(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor vers(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor avers(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor covers(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor acovers(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor hav(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor ahav(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor sinh(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor asinh(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor cosh(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor acosh(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor tanh(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor atanh(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor coth(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor acoth(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor sech(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor asech(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor csch(Phasor aa ) | |
public static Phasor acsch(Phasor aa ) | |
Logical Tests |
public boolean equals(Phasor x) |
public boolean equalsWithinLimits(Phasor x, double fract) |
public boolean isZero() | |
public boolean isReal() | |
public boolean isPlusInfinity() | |
public boolean isMinusInfinity() | |
public boolean isNaN() | |
Arrays see Input and Output for printing Phasor arrays |
public static Phasor[] oneDarray(int n) |
public static Phasor[] oneDarray(int n, double a, double b) | |
public static Phasor[] oneDarray(int n, Phasor xx) | |
public static Phasor[][] twoDarray(int n, int m) | |
public static Phasor[][] twoDarray(int n, int m, double a, double b) | |
public static Phasor[][] twoDarray(int n, int m, Phasor xx) | |
public static Phasor[][][] threeDarray(int n, int m, int k) | |
public static Phasor[][][] threeDarray(int n, int m, int k, double a, double b) | |
public static Phasor[][][] threeDarray(int n, int m, int k, Phasor xx) | |
Deep Copy |
public Phasor copy() |
public static Phasor copy(Phasor a) | |
public Object clone() | |
public static Phasor[] copy(Phasor[] a) | |
public static Phasor[][] copy(Phasor[][] a) | |
public static Phasor[][][] copy(Phasor[][][] a) | |
Some Useful Numbers |
public static Phasor zero() |
public static Phasor plusOne() | |
public static Phasor minusOne() | |
public static Phasor magnitudeZeroPhase(double magnitude) | |
public static Phasor plusInfinity() | |
public static Phasor minusInfinity() | |
Circuit components |
public static Phasor resistancePhasor(double resistance) |
public static Phasor inductancePhasor(double inductance, double frequency) | |
public static Phasor capacitancePhasor(double capacitance, double frequency) | |
public static Phasor infiniteWarburgPhasor(double sigma, double frequency) | |
public static Phasor finiteWarburgPhasor(double sigma, double delta, double frequency) | |
public static Phasor constantPhaseElementPhasor(double sigma, double alpha, double frequency) |