Constructor |
public RealRoot() |
Bisection and Newton-Raphson method |
public double
bisectNewtonRaphson(RealRootDerivFunction rrf, double lower, double
upper) |
public double
bisectNewtonRaphson(RealRootDerivFunction rrf) |
public static double
bisectNewtonRaphson(RealRootDerivFunction rrf, double lower, double
upper, double tolerance) |
method |
public double
newtonRaphson(RealRootDerivFunction rrf, double estimate)
public double
newtonRaphson(RealRootDerivFunction rrf) |
public static double
newtonRaphson(RealRootDerivFunction rrf, double estimate, double tolerance) |
Bisection and Inverse Quadratic Interpolation [Brent] method |
public double
brent(RealRootFunction rrf, double lower,
double upper) |
public double
brent(RealRootFunction rrf) |
public static double
brent(RealRootFunction rrf, double lower,
double upper, double tolerance) |
method |
public double
bisect(RealRootFunction rrf, double lower,
double upper) |
public double
bisect(RealRootFunction rrf) |
public static double
bisect(RealRootFunction rrf, double lower,
double upper, double tolerance) |
Position method |
public double
falsePosition(RealRootFunction rrf, double
lower, double upper) |
public double
falsePosition(RealRootFunction rrf) |
public static double
falsePosition(RealRootFunction rrf, double
lower, double upper, double tolerance) |
Accuracy |
public void
setTolerance(double accuracy) |
public double getTolerance()
Number of
iterations |
public void setIterMax(int maxIter) |
public static void setStaticIterMax(int maxIter) |
public int getIterMax() |
public static int getStaticIterMax() |
public int getIterN()
Set initial estimate of the root |
public void setEstimate(double estimate) |
Set bounds to the root |
public void setLowerBound(double lower) |
public void setUpperBound(double upper) |
Extension to initial estimates of the root bounds |
public void setMaximumBoundsExtensions(int maximumBoundsExtension) |
public static void setStaticMaximumBoundsExtensions(int maximumBoundsExtension) |
public void noBoundsExtensions() |
public static void noStaticBoundsExtensions() |
public void noLowerBoundExtension()
public static void noStaticLowerBoundExtension()
public void noUpperBoundExtension()
public static void noStaticUpperBoundExtension()
"NaN root" handling |
public void resetNaNexceptionToTrue() |
public static void resetStaticNaNexceptionToTrue() |
public void resetNaNexceptionToFalse() |
public static void resetStaticNaNexceptionToFalse() |
Suppress 'iteration limit reached' message |
public void suppressLimitReachedMessage() |
Roots of a quadratic |
public static ArrayList<Object> quadratic(double a, double b, double c) |
Roots of a cubic |
public static ArrayList<Object> cubic(double a, double b, double c, double d) |
Roots of a polynomial |
public static ArrayList<Object> polynomial(double[] coefficients) |
public static ArrayList<Object> polynomial(double[] coefficients, boolean polish) |
public static ArrayList<Object> polynomial(double[] coefficients, double estimate) |
public static ArrayList<Object> polynomial(double[] coefficients, boolean polish, double estimate) |
Reset test for real roots |
public static void resetRealTest(double toleranceRatio) |