Deep Copy
public SecondOrder copy()
| Overridden
public Object clone()
| Overridden
s-domain transfer function
Get the numerator degree
public int getSnumerDeg()
| Not overridden
Get the numerator polynomial
public ComplexPoly getSnumer()
| Not overridden
Get the denominator degree
public int getSdenomDeg()
| Not overridden
Get the denominator polynomial
public ComplexPoly getSdenom()
| Not overridden
Get the s-values of the poles
publicComplex[ ] getPolesS()
| Not overridden
Get the s-values of the zeros
publicComplex[ ] getZerosS()
| Overridden
Plot poles and zeros
public void plotPolesZeroS()
| Not overridden
Set the value of the Laplace s variable
public void setS(Complex sValue)
| Not overridden
public void setS(double sReal, double sImag)
| Not overridden
public void setS(double sImag)
| Not overridden
Get the Laplace s value
public Complex getS()
| Not overridden
Evaluate transfer function
public Complex evalTransFunctS()
| Not overridden
public Complex evalTransFunctS(Complex sValue)
| Not overridden
public Complex evalTransFunctS(double freq)
| Not overridden
Evaluate transfer function magnitude
public double evalMagTransFunctS()
| Not overridden
public double evalMagTransFunctS(Complex sValue)
| Not overridden
public double evalMagTransFunctS(double freq)
| Not overridden
Evaluate transfer function phase
public double evalPhaseTransFunctS()
| Not overridden
public double evalPhaseTransFunctS(Complex sValue)
| Not overridden
public double evalPhaseTransFunctS(double freq)
| Not overridden
Bode plots (magnitude and phase)
public void plotBode(double lowFreq, double highFreq,)
| Not overridden
Inverse Laplace Transform
public static Complex[ ] [ ] inverseTransform(ComplexPoly numer, ComplexPoly
| Not overridden
public static Complex timeTerm(double time, Complex coeff, Complex constant, Complex power)
| Not overridden
Set the input in the s-domain
public void setInputS(Complex input)
| Not overridden
Get the input in the s-domain
public Complex getInputS()
| Not overridden
Get the output in the s-domain
public Complex getOutputS()
| Overridden
public Complex getOutputS(Complex sValue, Complex input)
| Overridden
Dead Time (transportation time)
Set the dead time
public void setDeadtime(double deadTime)
| Not overridden
public void setDeadtime(double deadTime, double padeOrder)
| Not overridden
Get the dead time
public double getDeadtime()
| Not overridden
Set the Pade order
public void setPadeOrder(double padeorder)
| Not overridden
Get the Pade order
public void setPadeOrder(double padeorder)
| Not overridden
Continuous time domain (uses the s-domain transfer function)
Plot step input transient
public void stepInput(double finaltime)
| Overridden
public void stepInput(double mag, double finaltime)
| Overridden
Plot ramp input transient
public void rampInput(double finaltime)
| Overridden
public void rampInput(double mag, double finaltime)
| Overridden
public void rampInput(int order, double finaltime)
| Overridden
public void rampInput(double mag, int order, double finaltime)
| Overridden
z-domain transfer function
Map s-transfer function into the z-domain
public void zTransform()
| Overridden |
public void zTransform(double deltaT)
| Overridden
Get the numerator degree
public int getZnumerDeg()
| Not overridden
Get the numerator polynomial
public ComplexPoly getZnumer()
| Not overridden
Get the denominator degree
public int getZdenomDeg()
| Not overridden
Get the denominator polynomial
public ComplexPoly getZdenom()
| Not overridden
Get the z-values of the poles
publicComplex[ ] getPolesZ()
| Not overridden
Get the z-values of the zeros
publicComplex[ ] getZerosZ()
| Not overridden
Plot poles and zeros
public void plotPolesZeroZ()
| Not overridden
Set the value of the z variable
public void setZ(Complex zValue)
| Not overridden
public void setZ(double zReal, double zImag)
| Not overridden
Get the z value
public Complex getZ()
| Not overridden
Evaluate transfer function
public Complex evalTransFunctZ()
| Not overridden
public Complex evalTransFunctZ(Complex zValue)
| Not overridden
Evaluate transfer function magnitude
public double evalMagTransFunctZ()
| Not overridden
public double evalMagTransFunctZ(Complex zValue)
| Not overridden
Evaluate transfer function phase
public double evalPhaseTransFunctZ()
| Not overridden
public double evalPhaseTransFunctZ(Complex zValue)
| Not overridden
Sampled signal
Set the sampling length
public void setSampleLdength(int samplelength)
| Not overridden
Get the sampling length
public int getSampleLength()
| Not overridden
Set the sampling period
public void setDeltaT(double deltaT)
| Not overridden
Get the sampling period
public double getDeltaT()
| Not overridden
Set the sampling frequency
public void setSampFreq(double sfreq)
| Not overridden
Get the sampling frequency
public double getSampFreq()
| Not overridden
Set the sampled input and time
public void setInputT(double time, double input)
| Not overridden
Get the current value of the time
public double getCurrentTime()
| Not overridden
Get the array of times
public double[] getTime()
| Not overridden
Get the current value of the input
public double getCurrentInputT()
| Not overridden
Get the array of the inputs
public double[] getInputT()
| Not overridden
Calculate the current value of the output
public double calcOutputT()
| Not overridden
public double calcOutputT(double time, double input)
| Not overridden
Get the current value of the output
public double getCurrentOutputT()
| Not overridden
Get the array of the outputs
public double getOutputT()
| Not overridden
Set numerical integration method
public void setIntegrateMethod(int integMethod)
| Not overridden
public void setIntegrateMethod(String integMethodOpt)
| Not overridden
Get numerical integration method
public int getIntegrateMethod()
| Not overridden
General methods
Reset all inputs, outputs and times to zero
public void resetZero()
| Not overridden
Set the name of the black box
public void setName(String name)
| Not overridden
Get the name of the black box
public String getName()
| Not overridden