public BlackBox()
s-domain transfer function
Set transfer function numerator
public void setSnumer(double[ ] coeff)
public void setSnumer(Complex[ ] coeff)
public void setSnumer(ComplexPoly coeff)
Get the numerator degree
public int getSnumerDeg()
public int getSnumerPadeDeg()
Get the numerator polynomial
public ComplexPoly getSnumer()
public ComplexPoly getSnumerPade()
Get the numerator scale factor
public ComplexPoly getSnumerScaleFactor()
Set transfer function denominator
public void setSdenom(double[ ] coeff)
public void setSdenom(Complex[ ] coeff)
public void setSdenom(ComplexPoly coeff)
Get the denominator degree
public Complex getSdenomDeg()
public Complex getSdenomPadeDeg()
Get the denominator polynomial
public ComplexPoly getSdenom()
public ComplexPoly getSdenomPade()
Get the denominator scale factor
public ComplexPoly getSdenomScaleFactor()
Get the s-values of the poles
publicComplex[ ] getPolesS()
publicComplex[ ] getPolesPadeS()
Get the s-values of the zeros
publicComplex[ ] getZerosS()
publicComplex[ ] getZerosPadeS()
Plot poles and zeros
public void plotPoleZeroS()
public void plotPoleZeroPadeS()
Set the value of the Laplace s variable
public void setS(Complex sValue)
public void setS(double sReal, double sImag)
public void setS(double sImag)
Get the Laplace s value
public Complex getS()
Evaluate transfer function
public Complex evalTransFunctS()
public Complex evalTransFunctS(Complex sValue)
public Complex evalTransFunctS(double freq)
Evaluate transfer function steady state
public double getSteadyStateValue()
public double getSteadyStateValue(double mag)
Evaluate transfer function magnitude
public double evalMagTransFunctS()
public double evalMagTransFunctS(Complex sValue)
public double evalMagTransFunctS(double freq)
Evaluate transfer function phase
public double evalPhaseTransFunctS()
public double evalPhaseTransFunctS(Complex sValue)
public double evalPhaseTransFunctS(double freq)
Bode plots (magnitude and phase)
public void plotBode(double lowFreq, double highFreq,)
Inverse Laplace Transform
public static Complex[ ] [ ] inverseTransform(ComplexPoly numer, ComplexPoly denom)
public static double[ ] [ ] inverseTransformToReal(ComplexPoly numer, ComplexPoly denom)
public static Complex timeTerm(double time, Complex coeff, Complex constant, Complex power)
public static double timeTerm(double time, double coeff, double constant, double power)
public static double timeTerm(double time, double coeff, double constant, int power)
Set the input in the s-domain
public void setInputS(Complex input)
Get the input in the s-domain
public Complex getInputS()
Get the output in the s-domain
public Complex getOutputS()
public Complex getOutputS(Complex svalue, Complex input)
Dead Time (transportation time)
Set the dead time
public void setDeadtime(double deadTime)
public void setDeadtime(double deadTime, double padeOrder)
Get the dead time
public double getDeadtime()
Set the Pade order
public void setPadeOrder(double padeorder)
Get the Pade order
public void setPadeOrder(double padeorder)
Continuous time domain (uses the s-domain transfer function)
Plot impulse input transient
public void impulseInput(double finaltime)
public void impulseInput(double mag, double finaltime)
Plot step input transient
public void stepInput(double finaltime)
public void stepInput(double mag, double finaltime)
Plot ramp input transient
public void rampInput(double finaltime)
public void rampInput(double mag, double finaltime)
public void rampInput(int order, double finaltime)
public void rampInput(double mag, int order, double finaltime)
Plot generalised transient response
public static void transientResponse(double finaltime, ComplexPoly numer, ComplexPoly denom, String graphtitle1, String graphtitle2)
z-domain transfer function
Map s-domain or time domain transfer function into the z-domain
public void zTransform()
public void zTransform(double deltaT)
public void mapstozAdHoc()
public void mapstozAdHoc(double deltaT)
public void setMaptozero(boolean maptozero)
public boolean getMaptozero( )
public void setZtransformMethod(int ztransMethod)
public int getZtransformMethod( )
Set transfer function numerator
public void setZnumer(double[ ] coeff)
public void setZnumer(Complex[ ] coeff)
public void setZnumer(ComplexPoly coeff)
Get the numerator degree
public int getZnumerDeg()
Get the numerator polynomial
public ComplexPoly getZnumer()
Set transfer function denominator
public void setZdenom(double[ ] coeff)
public void setZdenom(Complex[ ] coeff)
public void setZdenom(ComplexPoly coeff)
Get the denominator degree
public int getZdenomDeg()
Get the denominator polynomial
public ComplexPoly getZdenom()
Calculate poles and zeros
public void calcPoleZeroZ()
Get the z-values of the poles
publicComplex[ ] getPolesZ()
Get the z-values of the zeros
publicComplex[ ] getZerosZ()
Plot poles and zeros
public void plotPoleZeroZ()
Set the value of the z variable
public void setZ(Complex zValue)
public void setZ(double zReal, double zImag)
Get the z value
| public Complex getZ()
Evaluate transfer function
public Complex evalTransFunctZ()
public Complex evalTransFunctZ(Complex zValue)
Evaluate transfer function magnitude
public double evalMagTransFunctZ()
public double evalMagTransFunctZ(Complex zValue)
Evaluate transfer function phase
public double evalPhaseTransFunctZ()
public double evalPhaseTransFunctZ(Complex zValue)
Sampled signal
Set the sampling length
public void setSampleLdength(int samplelength)
Get the sampling length
public int getSampleLength()
Set the sampling period
public void setDeltaT(double deltaT)
Get the sampling period
public double getDeltaT()
Set the sampling frequency
public void setSampFreq(double sfreq)
Get the sampling frequency
public double getSampFreq()
Set the sampled input and time
public void setInputT(double time, double input)
Get the current value of the time
public double getCurrentTime()
Get the array of times
public double[] getTime()
Get the current value of the input
public double getCurrentInputT()
Get the array of the inputs
public double[] getInputT()
Calculate the current value of the output
public double calcOutputT()
public double calcOutputT(double time, double input)
Get the current value of the output
public double getCurrentOutputT()
Get the array of the outputs
public double getOutputT()
Set numerical integration method
public void setIntegrateMethod(int integMethod)
public void setIntegrateMethod(String integMethodOpt)
Get numerical integration method
public int getIntegrateMethod()
Set the exponential forgetting factor
public void setForgetFactor(double forgetfactor)
public void setForgetFactor(double forgetfactor, int samplength )
Get the forgetting factor
public double getForgetFactor()
Deep Copy
public BlackBox copy()
public Object clone()
General methods
Reset all inputs, outputs and times to zero
public void resetZero()
Set the name of the black box
public void setName(String name)
Get the name of the black box
public String getName()