Michael Thomas Flanagan's Java Scientific Library

List of Interpolation Classes


Last update: 16 March 2012                                                                                                                             Main Page of Michael Thomas Flanagan's Java Scientific Library

This page lists all the interpolation classes in this library with brief descriptions:

All interpolation classes

linear Interpolation
Cubic Interpolation
Cubic Spline Interpolation
BiCubic Interpolation
BiCubic Spline Interpolation
Tricubic Interpolation
TriCubic Spline Interpolation
QuadriCubic Spline Interpolation
PolyCubic Spline Interpolation
Polyline Simplification

Interpolation classes with faster execution times

Three of the interpolation classes have aternative versions in which all the data checking methods have been removed allowing faster execution times. The decrease in execution time may be significant if repeated interpolation within very large data arrays is required. However the user must ensure that all the two dimensional data arrays x-values are in ascending order, that there are no two points with the same x value, that there are adequate numbers of data points and that the x-values of the point for which an interpolated y-value is required lie within the bounds of the supplied data.

Cubic Spline Interpolation
BiCubic Spline Interpolation
PolyCubic Spline Interpolation

Interpolation classes also calculating interpolated values of the first derivative

The cubic spline class also contains a method for returning the interpolated values of the first derivative and there is an alternative to the bicubic spline class the also returns the first derivatives.

Cubic Interpolation
Cubic Spline Interpolation
Bicubic Interpolation
BiCubic Spline Interpolation
Tricubic Interpolation

Some related classes

This page was prepared by Dr Michael Thomas Flanagan