Programme, Abstracts and Book
Individual abstracts may be viewed by clicking on the [abstract] link following the name/s of the relevant presentation author/s in the programme below.
An index of abstracts and corresponding sessions, ordered alphabetically by presenter/collaborator surname, may also be found on Abstract Index
Details of the book arising from the conference may be found on Threshold Concepts in Practice, Land, Meyer and Flanagan (Editors), Sense Publishers
Wednesday 9 July 2014
6.30 - 8.30 pm Registration & Welcome Reception with the Mayor & Mayoress of Durham, Old Town Hall, Market Square, Durham
Thursday 10 July 2014 Academic Programme Day 1
Collingwood College
9.00-10.00 | Registration and Coffee |
10.00-10.15 | Welcome & Introduction: Ray Land, Durham University. Penthouse Suite |
10.15-11.15 | Opening Plenary Session: ‘Threshold Concepts in Practice’. Penthouse A & B
i) Toil and trouble: threshold concepts as a pedagogy of uncertainty Ray Land [abstract]
ii) Integrated Threshold Concept Knowledge Jan H F Meyer & Julie Timmermans [abstract]
11.15-11.30 | Coffee and Poster Display – Collingwood Dining Hall |
Stream 1 TCs in the Disciplines |
Stream 2 TCs in the Professions |
Stream 3 TC Theory & Practice |
Stream 4 TCs & Doctoral Learning |
Stream 5 TCs & Academic Practice |
11.30-13.00 |
Session A – Penthouse A |
Session B – Penthouse B |
Session C – Penthouse Boardroom |
Session D – Weardale |
Session E – Bayley |
Signification: unlocking threshold concepts in natural sciences with a key from the humanities?
David Green, Jennifer Lewis, Jennifer Loertscher & Vicky Minderhout [abstract]
Understanding evidence in scientific disciplines: a concept map of ‘the thinking behind the doing’ and its importance in curriculum development
Ros Roberts [abstract]
Quantitative reasoning and visualizing data across the sciences
Anne Marie Ryan, Gillian Gass, Susan Gass, Kerrianne Ryan & Jennifer Van Dommelen [abstract]
Revisiting Caring as a Threshold Concept
Lynn Clouder [abstract]
Research learning in nursing education: exploring the scope of troublesomeness
Linda Martindale, Ray Land, Julie Rattray & Lorraine Anderson [abstract]
The Transformation from Student to Occupational Therapist: Using the Delphi Method to Identify the Threshold Concepts in Occupational Therapy
Kelli Nicola-Richmond [abstract]
Distinguishing thresholds: Complexity combinations, intelligent intervention, and smart surrender
David McKie [abstract]
Social Constructivism: Developing Threshold Knowledge in Communication
Linda K. Crafton [abstract]
Threshold concepts and ways of thinking and practising: the ontological road less travelled
Sarah Barradell [abstract]
Troublesome knowledge and the professional, mature-age PhD candidate
Margaret Kiley [abstract]
Threshold Concepts and Postgraduate Struggles: The Development of a Framework to Support Learners through Doctoral Liminality
Jeffrey M. Keefer [abstract]
Beyond blockages to ownership, agency and articulation: liminal spaces and conceptual threshold crossing in doctoral learning
Gina Wisker [abstract]
Engagement of UK Life Science Academics with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Threshold Concepts in Academic Practice?
Anne Tierney [abstract]
Threshold Concepts and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Andrea Webb [abstract]
Exploring the notion of ‘identity play’ as a threshold concept in academic life
Valerie Mannix & Carole Davis [abstract]
13.00-14.00 | Lunch and Poster Display – Collingwood Dining Hall |
Stream 1 TCs in the Disciplines |
Stream 2 TCs in the Professions |
Stream 3 TC Theory & Practice |
Stream 6 TCs & Online Environments |
14.00-15.30 |
Session F – Penthouse A |
Session G – Penthouse B |
Session H – Penthouse Boardroom |
Session I – Weardale |
Interactive lectures – linking theory to practice – Helping students pass the threshold when learning two-terminal equivalents in electrical engineering education
Anna-Karin Carstensen & Jonte Bernhard [abstract]
Modular Approach and Innovations in an Engineering Program Design
Anthony Parker & Daniel McGill [abstract]
Threshold concepts and attitudes in mathematics education: Listening to students’ past, present and projected stories
Maria Northcote [abstract]
Threshold Concepts in Professional Military Education for the 21st Century
Ahmad Thamrini Fadzlin B. Syed Mohamed [abstract]
TransARK – Rethinking Architecture and the Education of Architecture
Leif M. Hokstad, Gro Rødne, Bjørn Otto, Braaten Steffen Wellinger & Fredrik Shetelig [abstract]
Threshold Concepts in the Learning of Agriculture: Quality and Relevance for Curriculum Innovation
Hajah Jabaidah Haji Bungsu [abstract]
What to do with a Threshold Concept: a case study
J.H.F. Meyer, D.B. Knight, T.E. Baldock, D.P. Callaghan, J. McCredden & L. O’Moore [abstract]
Bringing together threshold concepts, curriculum and student learning: A model for focusing the studies of a discipline
Sarah Barradell & Mary Kennedy-Jones [abstract]
From Concept to Practice: Conjuring Thresholds
Jane Love [abstract]
Virtual learning: how online tutorials shape learning of threshold concepts
Mira Peter, Ann Harlow, Toby Balsom & Jonathan Scott [abstract]
The Light at the End of the Tunnel: Threshold Concepts in Early Online Adult Education
Patricia (Trish) Powers [abstract]
Negotiating intercultural awareness in MexCo: agency, autonomy and troublesome knowledge in an international online project between the UK and Mexico
Marina Orsini-Jones [abstract]
15.30-15.45 | Tea – Collingwood Dining Hall |
Stream 1 TCs in the Disciplines |
Stream 2 TCs in the Professions |
Stream 7 TCs, Identities & Development |
Stream 8 TCs & Writing |
15.45-17.15 |
Session J – Penthouse A |
Session K – Penthouse B |
Session L – Penthouse Boardroom |
Session M – Weardale |
A Tale of Two Thresholds
Leah Shopkow [abstract]
Embedding Threshold Concepts in a Large-Lecture History Course
Susannah McGowan [abstract]
Moving Beyond the Threshold: Digital literacies and historical thinking in New Zealand Universities
Sydney J Shep [abstract]
What is the nature of the threshold concepts enquiry in health sciences? A meta-ethnographic study
Sarah Barradell & Tai Peseta [abstract]
Revealing the hidden curriculum to medical students: insights from threshold concept theory
Hilary Neve & Tracey Collett [abstract]
Transformation in doctors during Palliative Care training
Andy Wearn, Anne O’Callaghan & Mark Barrow [abstract]
Bottleneck Behaviours and Student Identities: Helping Novice Writers Develop in the First Year Seminar and Beyond
Diane Boyd [abstract]
Academics’ Working Knowledge, Threshold Concepts and Academic Development
Rhonda Hallett [abstract]
Threshold Concepts in Learning Activism
D. Bruce MacKay [abstract]
Threshold Concepts, Writing, and the Transfer of Learning
Jessie L. Moore [abstract]
Developing Valid Methods of Identifying Threshold Concepts in Various Disciplines: A Pilot Project in Composition Studies
Taimi Olsen & Beth White [abstract]
Poetic threshold moments: from fledgling to published author
Carolyn Rickett , Judith Beveridge, Maria Northcote , Anthony Williams & David Musgrave [abstract]
18.30-19.30 | Undercroft Bar open, Durham Castle
(Optional free 30 minute guided tour of Durham Castle, meet at the Great Hall steps in the Castle Courtyard 6.45 pm)
19.30 | Conference Dinner, Great Hall, Durham Castle
Friday 11 July 2014 Academic Programme Day 2
Collingwood College
Stream 1 TCs in the Disciplines |
Stream 2 TCs in the Professions |
Stream 4 TC Theory & Doctoral Learning |
Stream 9 TCs & Computer Science |
9.00-10.30 |
Session N – Penthouse A |
Session O – Penthouse B |
Session P – Penthouse Boardroom |
Session Q – Weardale |
Threshold Concepts in Physics: too many to count
Sandra M. Serbanescu [abstract]
‘I tell stories, I am stuck in the middle, I am vulnerable’ – selected themes and threshold concepts from religious education and spirituality
Peter Mudge [abstract]
Threshold Concepts in Finance
Susan Hoadley, Leigh N. Wood, Leonie Tickle & Tim Kyng [abstract]
Unlocking the Problem Solving Threshold by Promoting Enhanced Thinking and Discourse
Brian Foley [abstract]
An emerging PhD curriculum and what this might mean for doctoral level threshold concepts
Margaret Kiley [abstract]
Exploring Threshold Concepts in Research Methodology for Doctoral Candidates
Dan Kaczynski, Leigh Wood & Michelle Salmona [abstract]
In the liminal space: software design as a threshold skill
Lynda Thomas & The Sweden Group (Jonas Boustedt, Anna Eckerdal,
Robert McCartney, Jan Erik Moström, Kate Sanders & Carol Zander) [abstract]
How NOT to identify threshold concepts
Dermot Shinners-Kennedy [abstract]
Better Use Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Threshold Concept Research in Computer Science? We Don’t Think So
Bert Zwaneveld, Jacob Perrenet & Roel Bloo [abstract]
10.30-10.45 | Coffee and Poster Display – Collingwood Dining Hall |
Stream 10 TCs & Liminality |
Stream 2 TCs in the Professions |
Stream 7 TCs & Identities |
Stream 11 Roundtable & Workshops |
10.45-12.15 |
Session R – Penthouse A |
Session S – Penthouse B |
Session T – Penthouse Boardroom |
Session U – Collingwood Dining Hall |
(NB Each of the meetings in Session U is a 90 minute session) |
Mediating Liminality: Artefacts as a means of Supporting Threshold Transformations
Julie Rattray [abstract]
Learning Experiences in the Novice-Expert Liminal Space
Virginia Tucker [abstract]
Stuckness at the threshold – which strategies do students choose when facing difficulties within certain disciplines?
Leif M. Hokstad, Morten Erichsen & Terje Berg [abstract]
Knowledge, Belief and Practice in Language Teacher Education: Integration and Implementation of Threshold Concepts over a teaching career
Ann Devitt & David Moroney [abstract]
Yes but no but yes – students straddling the change process
Rhonda Fuzzard [abstract]
Threshold Concepts in Practice Education – Reflections for the Future
Aoife Prendergast [abstract]
Intersecting and Overlapping Spaces: Combining teacher and student perspectives to identify threshold concepts in Indigenous Australian Studies
Susan Page [abstract]
Traversing the Liminal Space: An Analysis of Graduate Student Responses to Diversity in the Classroom Context
Laura L. B. Border & Devon Thacker Thomas [abstract]
Transforming Thinking through Problem-Based Learning in the News Media Literacy Class: Critical thinking as a threshold concept towards threshold capabilities
Dai-Ling Chen [abstract]
Workshop: Threshold Concepts in Practice (using Hodges’ model)
Peter Jones [abstract]
Workshop: Threshold concepts, systems thinking and Lego Serious Play: 3D ways of thinking
Alison James & Graham Barton [abstract]
Roundtable: Understanding threshold concepts: The importance of disciplinary history
Tracy Fortune, Sarah Barradell, Mary Kennedy-Jones & Adrian Jones [abstract]
Roundtable: Exploring Threshold Concepts in the Humanities: Challenges and Successes
Brad Wuetherick [abstract]
12.15-13.15 | Lunch and Poster Display – Collingwood Dining Hall |
13.15-14.30 | Conference Keynote: Professor Peter Felten, Elon University, North Carolina USA, ‘On the threshold with students’ Penthouse A & B [abstract, slides] |
14.30-14.45 | Tea – Collingwood Dining Hall |
Stream 1 TCs in the Disciplines |
Stream 2 TCs in the Professions |
Stream 12 TC Theory & Interdisciplinarity |
Stream 6 TC Theory & Online Environments |
14.45-16.15 |
Session V – Penthouse A |
Session W – Penthouse B |
Session X – Penthouse Boardroom |
Session Y – Weardale |
The Teaching of Threshold Concepts: A case study of one possible pedagogical strategy
Brad Wuetherick [abstract]
Using audio diaries to identify threshold concepts in “softer” disciplines: surprises, questions and implications
Hilary Neve, Nicole Stephens & Tracey Collett [abstract]
| Thresholds of social care practice
Lillian Lancaster [abstract]
Threshold concepts and authentic assessment: Learning to think like an occupational therapist
Liz Springfield & Sylvia Rodger [abstract]
Building blocks: Threshold concepts as interdisciplinary structures of learning
Aminul Huq, Bijaya Aryal & Marcia Nichols [abstract]
Double trouble? Introducing interdisciplinary modules as part of curriculum innovation
Julie Wintrup [abstract]
Threshold concepts about online teaching: Progress report on a five year project
Kevin Gosselin, Maria Northcote, Daniel Reynaud, Peter Kilgour, Malcolm Anderson & Chris Boddey [abstract]
Navigating our threshold concepts to enable students to overcome theirs
Marianne Dickie [abstract]
16.15-16.30 | Conference concluding session. Penthouse A & B. Departure |
Abstracts ordered alphabetically by author surname.
Details of the book arising from the conference may be found on Threshold Concepts in Practice, Land, Meyer and Flanagan (Editors), Sense Publishers
Threshold Concepts: Introduction and bibliography.
Last update: 6th April 2016