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Our group is part of the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at UCL, which is located in one of the most vibrant central areas of London. We are also affiliated with the Thomas Young Centre for the Theory and Simulation of Materials, which brings together more than 80 groups from UCL, Imperial College London, and King's College London. Our main reserach interests are in theoretical and computational Nanophotonics, but we also have many ongoing collaborations with several groups of experimentalists. Our research efforts are divided between two closely related disciplines, Nonlinear and Quantum Plasmonics and Silicon Nanophotonics. An integrating theme of these two reserach thrusts is Quantum Metamaterials, our reserach in this area being supported by the European Research Council (ERC) via an ERC Consolidator grant. We are primarily interested in the basic science and computational modeling of light-matter interaction at the nanoscale, the study and design of novel photonic nanodevices, and their applications.

Second-Harmonic Generation
Plasmonic Solitons
Quantum Plasmonics

Photonic Nanowires
Photonic Crystals
Zero-n Metamaterials