Principal Investigator: Professor George Pavlou
Sponsoring partner: Thales Research Ltd.
Project duration: 36 months + 6 months extension (1 March 2003 - 31 August 2006)
The main purpose of the Programmable Ad hoc Networks (PAN) project is to consider programmable ad-hoc networks as an important emerging type of network infrastructure that will complement 3G+ and fixed network infrastructures. PAN will investigate solutions for a Quality of Service (QoS) framework, context-aware QoS support and a middleware-based programmable infrastructure that will allow terminodes to download and activate required protocol and service software dynamically. Quality of service is an area that has not yet been fully addressed in ad hoc networks and it is particularly important for critical applications in the ad hoc environment but also of paramount importance when 3G+ multimedia services are accessed from ad hoc ternminodes. QoS could be improved through context-awareness that will combine location information from a location service with connectivity, user input, QoS requirements, and possibly information from other terminodes. Programmability will enable terminodes to align themselves with the network-wide QoS framework and the application-level context-ware QoS support services. The proposed framework for ad hoc terminode programmability will be general enough to support downloading and activation of any required protocols and services in an ad hoc environment.
The overall objective of this research project is to investigate context-aware quality of service and programmability in ad hoc networks as a means to support QoS-based communication for terminodes that do not share the same initial capabilities and infrastructure. The specific objectives are:
[Malatras07b] | A. Malatras, S. Sivavakeesar, G. Pavlou, A Programmable Framework for the Deployment of Services and Protocols in Mobile Ad hoc Networks, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), Vol. 4, No. 3, pp 12-24, IEEE, December 2007 (full paper in Acrobat pdf). |
[Malatras07a] | A. Malatras, A. Hadjiantonis, G. Pavlou, Exploiting Context-awareness for the Autonomic Management of Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Journal of Network and System Management (JNSM), special issue on Autonomic Pervasive and Context-aware Systems, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 29-55, Springer, March 2007 (full paper in Acrobat pdf). |
[Siva06b] | S. Sivavakeesar, O.F. Gonzalez-Duque, G. Pavlou, Service Creation Strategies in Ubiquitous Communication Environments, IEEE Communications, special issue in Advances in Service Platform Technologies for Next Generation Mobile Systems, Vol. 44, No. 9, pp. 106-113, IEEE, September 2006 (full paper in Acrobat pdf). |
[Siva06a] | S. Sivavakeesar, G. Pavlou, Two Way Admission Control and Resource Allocation for Quality of Service Support in Mobile Ad hoc Networks, ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R), Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 44-57, ACM, January 2006 (full paper in Acrobat pdf). |
[Hadji06] | A. Hadjiantonis, A. Malatras, G.Pavlou, A Context-aware Policy-based Framework for the Management of MANETs, Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks (Policy'2006), Ontario, Canada, pp. 23-32, IEEE, June 2006 (full paper in Acrobat pdf) (acceptance rate 30.5%, 18 out of 59 papers). |
[Malatras05c] | A. Malatras, G. Pavlou, Context-driven Self-Configuration of Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Proc. of the IFIP International Workshop on Autonomic Communications (WAC'2005), Athens, Greece, pp. 71-85, Springer, October 2005 (full paper in Acrobat pdf). |
[Siva05c] | S. Sivavakeesar, G. Pavlou, Scalable Location Services for Hierarchically Organized Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Proc. of the Sixth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc'2005), Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA, pp. 217-228, ACM, May 2005 (full paper in Acrobat pdf) (acceptance rate 14.2%, 40 out of 281 papers). |
[Siva05b] | S. Sivavakeesar, G. Pavlou, Rate Allocation and Buffer Management for Proportional Service Differentiation in Location-Aided Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications (WWIC'2005), Greece, pp. 97-106, Springer, May 2005 (full paper in Acrobat pdf) (acceptance rate 29%, 34 out of 117 papers). |
[Gouv05] | S. Gouveris, S. Sivavakeesar, G. Pavlou, A. Malatras, Programmable Middleware for the Dynamic Deployment of Services and Protocols in Ad hoc Networks, Proceedings of the IEEE/IFIP Integrated Management Symposium (IM'2005), Nice, France, pp. 3-16, IEEE, May 2005 (full paper in Acrobat pdf) (acceptance rate 23.5%, 53 out of 226 papers). |
[Siva05a] | S. Sivavakeesar, G. Pavlou, Associativity-based Stable Cluster Formation in Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Proceedings of the IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC'2005), Las Vegas, USA, pp. 196-201, IEEE, January 2005 (full paper in Acrobat pdf) (acceptance rate 34.4%, 98 out of 285 papers). |
[Siva04d] | S. Sivavakeesar, G. Pavlou, Cluster-based Location Services for Scalable Ad hoc Network Routing, Proceedings of the IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks (MWCN'2004), Paris, France, pp. 433-448, Springer, October 2004 (full paper in Acrobat pdf). |
[Siva04c] | S. Sivavakeesar, G. Pavlou, C. Bohoris, A. Liotta, Effective Management Through Prediction-based Clustering for Next Generation Ad Hoc Networks, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'2004), Paris, France, pp. 4326-4330, IEEE, June 2004 (full paper in Acrobat pdf) (acceptance rate 29%, 864 out of 2946 papers). |
[Siva04b] | S. Sivavakeesar, G. Pavlou, A. Liotta, Stable Clustering Through Mobility Prediction for Large-Scale Multihop Ad Hoc Networks, Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC'2004), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, pp. 1488-1493, IEEE, March 2004 (full paper in Acrobat pdf) (acceptance rate 43.2%, 470 out of 1087 papers). |
[Siva04a] | S. Sivavakeesar, G. Pavlou, Quality of Service Aware MAC Based on IEEE 802.11 for Multihop Ad Hoc Networks, Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC'2004), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, pp. 1482-1487, IEEE, March 2004 (full paper in Acrobat pdf) (acceptance rate 43.2%, 470 out of 1087 papers). |
[Siva03] | S. Sivavakeesar, G. Pavlou, A Scalable QoS Routing Scheme Using A Mobility Prediction-Based Clustering Approach for Large-Scale Ad Hoc Networks, Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks (ASWN'2003), Berne, Switzerland, pp. 171-184, June 2003 (full paper in Acrobat pdf). |
[Siva07] | S. Sivavakeesar, G. Pavlou, Quality of Service Support of Multimedia Applications in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: a Cross-Layer Approach, Encyclopaedia of Wireless and Mobile Communications, CRC Press, 2007 (full chapter in Acrobat pdf). |