[IEEE'05-now] | IEEE Communications, Feature Topic on Network and Service Management, Guest Editors: Prof. George Pavlou, University College London, UK, Prof. Aiko Pras, University of Twente, Nethrlands, twice a year since late 2005 (see Journals page).
[JNSM'02] | Journal of Network and System Management (JNSM), Special Issue: Topics in Integrated Management - Selected Papers from IM'2001, Guest Editors: George Pavlou, Antonio Liotta, University of Surrey, UK, Nikos Anerousis, VoiceMate, USA, Vol. 10, No. 2, Plenum Publishing, June 2002.
[JNSM'01] | Journal of Network and System Management (JNSM), Special Issue: IP-Oriented Network Operations and Management, Guest Editors: George Pavlou, University of Surrey, UK, Masum Hasan, Cisco Systems, USA, Vol. 9, No. 3, Plenum Publishing, September 2001.
[IEEE'01] | IEEE Communications, Feature Topic: IP-Oriented Operations and Management, Guest Editors: Andrzej Jajszczyk, University of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow, Polland, George Pavlou, University of Surrey, UK, Vol. 39, No. 5, IEEE, May 2001.
[JNSM'98] | Journal of Network and System Management (JNSM), Special Issue: Network Management Information Modelling, Guest Editors: George Pavlou, University of Surrey, UK, Olivier Festor, LORIA-INRIA Lorraine, France, Vol. 6, No. 3, Plenum Publishing, September 1998.
[CNSM'15] | Service Quality in Virtualized Environments: Improvement or Deterioration?, Panelists: Dr Axel Clauberg, Deutsche Telekom AG, Germany, Dr Prosper Chemouil, Orange France Telecom, France, Prof. Raouf Boutaba, University of Waterloo, Canada, Prof. George Pavlou, University College London, UK, IEEE/IFIP 11th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM '15), Barcelona, Spain, November 2015.
[IM'13] | Smart Management in a Virtualized World, Organiser: Dr Prosper Chemouil, Orange France Telecom, France, Panelists: Prof. Raouf Boutaba, University of Waterloo, Canada, Prof. Piet Demeester, Ghent University, Belgium, Prof. George Pavlou, University College London, UK, Alexander Keller, IBM Research, USA, Dongmyun Lee, Jorea Telecom, Korea, IEEE/IFIP Integrated Management Symposium (IM '13), Ghent, Belgium, May 2013
(my slides in Acrobat pdf - 225K).
[CNSM'11] | Bandwidth Shortage and Relevant Solutions: Myths and Facts, Panelists: Dr Prosper Chemouil, Orange France Telecom, France, Prof. George Pavlou, University College London, UK, Prof. Aiko Pras, University of Twente, Netherlands, Prof. Cees de Laat, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, IEEE/IFIP 7th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM '11), Paris, France, October 2011
(my slides in Acrobat pdf - 225K).
[IPOM'09] | Management of the Future Internet - Where Are We Heading To?, Organiser: Dr. Giorgio Nunzi, NEC Europe, Germany, Panelists: Prof. George Pavlou, University College London, UK, Prof. Deep Medhi, University of Missouri - Kansas City, USA, Dr Marcus Brunner, NEC Europe, Germany, Prof. Aiko Pras, University of Twente, Netherlands, IEEE International Workshop on IP Operations and Management (IPOM '09), Venice, Italy, October 2009.
[IM'09] | Making Management Matters Matter, Organiser: Dr Alexander Clemm, Cisco Systems, USA, Panelists: Prof. Larry Bernstein, Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey, USA, Dr Joseph Hellerstein, Google, USA, Prof. George Pavlou, University College London, UK, Alan Ganek, IBM Research, USA, John Strassner, Postech, Korea, IEEE/IFIP Integrated Management Symposium (IM '09), Long Island, USA, June 2009
(my slides in Acrobat pdf - 1823K).
[NOMS'08a] | Ubiquitous Networks and Services: What Are the Real New Challenges Ahead?, Organiser: Prof. George Pavlou, University College London, UK, Panelists: Ian Akyildiz, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, Bruno Albuquerque, Google, Brazil, Prof. Morris Sloman, Imperial College London, UK, Prof. Rolf Stadler, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS '08), Salvador, Brazil, April 2008
(my introductory slides in Acrobat pdf - 400K).
[NOMS'08b] | Teaching Network Management: Are we Adequately Preparing the Next Generation, Organiser: Prof. Mehmet Ulema, Manhattan College, USA, Panelists: Prof. Young-Tak Kim, Yeungnam University, South Korea, Prof. George Pavlou, University College London, UK, Prof. Rolf Stadler, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, Prof. Liane Tarouco, University Federal of Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS '08), Salvador, Brazil, April 2008
(my slides in Acrobat pdf - 40K).
[NOMS'06] | Does the World Still Need Generic Management Protocols?, Organiser: Dr. Mark Ammar Rayes, Cisco Systems, USA, Panelists: Ville Aikas / Sean Vaughan, University of Washington, USA, Prof. George Pavlou, University of Surrey, UK, Dr. Aiko Pras, University of Twente, Netherlands, Hector Trevino, Cisco Systems, USA, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS '06), Vancouver, Canada, April 2006
(my slides in Acrobat pdf - 192K).
[DSOM'05] | Challenges in Managing Ambient Networks, Organiser: Dr. Marcus Brunner, NEC Europe, Germany, Panelists: Prof. George Pavlou, University of Surrey, UK, Prof. Rolf Stadler, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweeden, Dr Bert Wijnen, Lucent, Netherlands, IFIP/IEEE Distributed Systems: Operations and Management (DSOM '05), Barcelona, Spain, October 2005
(my slides in Acrobat pdf - 82K).
[IM'03] | Web-Services for Internet Management: Yet Another Hype?, Organiser: Dr. Aiko Pras, University of Twente, Netherlands, Panelists: Prof. George Pavlou, University of Surrey, UK, Dr Heather Krieger, IBM Research, USA, Dr Juergen Schoenwaelder, Universoty of Bremen, Germany, Dr Bert Wijnen, Lucent, Netherlands, IEEE/IFIP Integrated Management Symposium (IM '03), Colorado Springs, USA, March 2003
(my slides in Acrobat pdf - 132K).
[QofIS'02] | Premium IP: On the Road to Ambient Networking, Organiser: Dr. Paulo de Sousa, EU, Panelists: Martin Potts, Martel, Switzerland, Dr. Riu Aguiar, University of Aveiro, Portugal, Prof. George Pavlou, University of Surrey, UK, Bob Briscoe, BT Research, UK, Simon Leinen, Switch, Switzerland, International Workshop on Quality of Service for Future Internet Services (QofIS '02), Zurich, Switzerland, October 2002
(my slides in Acrobat pdf - 67K)
[NOMS'00] | Policy-based Management, Organiser: Prof. Morris Sloman, Imperial College, UK, Panelists: John Strassner, Cisco Systems, USA, Dr. Emil Lupu, Imperial College, UK, Andrea Westerinen, SNIA, Prof. George Pavlou, University of Surrey, UK, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS '00), Hawaii, USA, April 2000
(my slides in Acrobat pdf - 96K).
[DSOM'99] | Challenges for Management Research, Organiser: Dr. Rolf Stadler, Columbia University, USA, Panelists: Prof. George Pavlou, University of Surrey, UK, Dr. Aiko Pras, Twente University, The Netherlands, Dr. Metin Feridun, IBM Research, Switzerland, Closing panel of the IEEE/IFIP Distributed Systems: Operations and Management (DSOM '99), Zurich, Switzerland, October 1999.
[IM'99] | New Management Technologies - Web and Directory Enabled Networks - Are they Replacing SNMP and OSI-SM/TMN? Organiser: Dr. Nikos Aneroussis, AT&T, USA, Panelists: Prof. George Pavlou, University of Surrey, UK, Dr. Subodh Bapat, Sun Microsystems, USA, Dr. Aiko Pras, Twente University, The Netherlands, Andrea Westerinen, Microsoft Corporation, USA, IEEE/IFIP Integrated Management Symposium (IM '99), Boston, USA, May 1999
(my slides in Acrobat pdf - 51K).
[IS&N'98] | Future Network Management and Advanced Services: Will They Converge, Continue to Co-operate or Deviate in Approaches and Technologies? Organiser: Prof. Morris Sloman, Imperial College London, UK, Panelists: Prof. George Pavlou, University of Surrey, UK, Dr. Subrata Mazumdar, Bell Labs, USA, Dr. Aiko Pras, Twente University, The Netherlands, Nicolas Mercouroff, Alcatel Alsthom, France, Fifth International Conference on Intelligence in Services and Networks (IS&N '98), Antwerp, Belgium, May 1998
(my slides in Acrobat pdf - 20K).
[DSOM'96] | New Management Challenges and New Solutions, Organiser: Dr. Salah Aidarous, BNR, Canada, Panelists: Dr. Roberto Saracco, CSELT, Italy, George Pavlou, University College London, UK, Dr. Walter Buga, AT&T, USA, Prof. Jong-Tae Park, Kyungpook National University, Korea, Closing panel of the IEEE/IFIP Distributed Systems: Operations & Management Workshop (DSOM '96), L'Aquila, Italy, October 1996
(my slides in Acrobat pdf - 32K).