George Pavlou's UCL Home Page
Background Research Publications Teaching Supervision

I am Professor of Communication Networks leading research activities in networking and network/service management in the Information and Communication Engineering Group at the Institute of Communication and Connected Systems, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University College London. I am Fellow of the IEEE and Senior Member of the ACM.

I have been at UCL EEE since 2008, before that from 1998 until 2007 I was Professor of Communication and Information Systems, leading the activities of the Networks Research Group in the Institute of Communication Systems at the Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Surrey.

I hold a Diploma (MEng equivalent) in Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, and MSc and PhD degrees in Computer Science from the Department of Computer Science at University College London. Before re-joining University College London in the beginning of 2008, I was Professor at Surrey leading research activities in networking and network/service management. Before 1998, I was Senior Lecturer and before Senior Research Fellow at UCL Computer Science Dept., leading research activities in the area of network/service management. At both UCL and Surrey I established and led highly successful research teams while I have also been involved in extensive teaching and curriculum development activities. My research interests focus on networking and network/service management and include aspects such as network resource management, traffic engineering, quality of service, autonomic networking, network programmability, content-based networking, decentralised network architectures based on distributed ledger technologies and communications middleware. I have published extensively in all these areas and many of my publications have been highly cited, for relevant citations see my Google Scholar page.

In 2011 I received the IEEE/IFIP Daniel Stokesbury award for "distinguished technical contributions to the growth of the network management field". In 2017 I became IEEE Fellow "for contributions to network resource management and content-based networking".

I have been on the editorial boards of the IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, the IEEE Communications, the IEEE Communication Surveys & Tutorials and the Springer Journal of Network and System Management. In fact, from 2005 until early 2020, i.e. for 15 years, I have been serving as the leading editor of the IEEE Communications bi-annual series on Network and Service Managememt. I have also been involved in a number of international conference program committees. I have been instrumental in a number of collaborative research projects that produced significant results with real-world uptake and have contributed to standardisation activities in ISO, ITU-T and IRTF/IETF.

My contact details can be found here.

an overview of my academic and research experience, or how I got here.

more information on my research areas and projects.

journal and conference papers, book chapters, boards, committees, etc.

Recent highlight: Our paper Probabilistic in-network caching for information-centric networks published in ACM ICN 2012 has been identified as one of the top 1% most cited or downloaded papers in the ACM Digital Library from those published between 2012 and 2014 and was considered for the 2024 ACM SIGCOMM Test of Time Award.

Recent highlight: General Chair of the IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN'2023) held at University College London in July 2023.

Recent invited journal paper: Computer Communications invited paper [Pavlou18] for the 40th year anniversary issue - see journal publications

Recent series of Infocom papers: IEEE INFOCOM 2018 conference paper [Li18], the 3rd IEEE INFOCOM paper in 5 years (Infocom is a very selective conference with less than 20% scceptance rate) together with [Saino16] and [Araujo14a] - see conference publications

Recent series of CNSM papers: IFIP/IEEE CNSM 2018 conference paper [Tuncer18], the 4th IFIP/IEEE CNSM paper in 6 years (CNSM is a very selective conference with less than 20% scceptance rate) together with [Tang17b], [Claeys14b] and [Tuncer13] - see conference publications

Recent award: BEST ACM MobiArch 2016 workshop paper [Psar16] - see conference publications

Recent award: BEST IEEE LANMAN 2016 conference paper [Ascig16] - see conference publications

Recent award: Fabrizio Lombardi prize awarded to my PhD student Dr Lorenzo Saino for the BEST UCL EEE PhD thesis of the year, awarded during the Mildner lecture in May 2016

Recent highlight: Invited participation in the Distinguished Expert Panel on Network Softwarization, 5G Technologies and Edge Computing in IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS'2016)

Recent highlight: Invited participation in the Distinguished Expert Panel on Service Quality in Virtualized Environments in IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM'2015)

Recent award: BEST IFIP Networking 2015 conference paper [Sourl15] - see conference publications

Recent highlight: General Chair of the 1st IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft'2015) held at University College London in April 2015.

Recent highlight: Keynote speech on Information Centric Networking Support for Multimedia Services: Overview, State and Challenges in 1st IEEE ICME Workshop on Multimedia Streaming in Information Centric Networks(MuSIC'2015)

Recent highlight: Keynote speech on Information Centric Networking and In-Network Caching in IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM'2013)

Recent award: BEST IFIP Networking 2012 conference paper [Chai12a] - see conference publications

Recent award: Received the Daniel Stokesbury award at the IEEE/IFIP Integrated Management Symposium 2011 (IM'2011) for distinguished technical contributions to the growth of the network management field, relevant UCL news item

Recent highlight: Keynote speech on Information Centric Networking and In-Network Caching in IEEE/ACM International Teletraffic Congress (ITC'2012)

Recent highlight: Keynote speech on Information Centric Networking in IEEE/IFIP Integrated Management Symposium 2011 (IM'2011)

Recent highlight: Keynote speech on Information Centric Networking in IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks 2011 (WoWMoM'2011)

my teaching activities, including notes and guidelines to students.

doctoral student subjects and masters/undergraduate student projects.

George Pavlou (g dot pavlou at ucl dot ac dot uk)
this page last updated 21 June 2024